Google Drive Connector Prerequisites

Connector Features and Requirements



Additional Information

Searchable Content Types Yes

The connector enables you to connect to Google Drive source system Your Source System is the repository where your data is stored (data to be indexed). This repository is managed by applications such as: - SharePoint O365 - SharePoint 2013/16/19 - Documentum - File Share - OpenText - Lotus Notes - etc. Your Source System repository can also be a database such as SQL or Oracle., fetch data from any shared drive and index this content securely.

Content Update Full and Incremental All BA Insight Connectors support both Full and Incremental crawls, unless noted.
Permission Types Yes
  • All BA Insight Connectors support fetch ACLs from the source system.

  • To make items publicor restricted to a single user or set of users, you can do so within the Connector Framework.

Required Software
  • BA Insight ConnectivityHub v3.0 or later

  • .NET Framework v4.7.2


User Accounts and Application Permissions

Required Permission


Google Drive user account
  • The account used to crawl your items must be part of your domain.

  • Must have at least CONTRIBUTOR access to the shared drives that will be indexed

  • The account also needs the roles User Management Admin and Groups Reader assigned, otherwise they will not be able to access item security

How to Enable Shared Drives

  1. Navigate to the Google Admin console.
  2. Navigate to Apps > Google Workspace > Drives and Docs.
    • Ensure the service is enabled.
  3. Navigate to Apps > Google Workspace > Drives and Docs > Manage Shared drives.
    • The user account used to index your data must have access to the Shared Drives the connector will crawl.

Register a New Application with Google Cloud Workspace

  1. To register a new application, navigate to the Google Cloud Console and log in with your admin account:
  2. You can either use the default project or create a new one from the upper left drop-down menu.
  3. If you create a new project, configure the OAuth Specifies a process for resource owners to authorize third-party access to their server resources without providing credentials. consent screen:
    1. APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen
    2. User type – Internal
    3. Application name – Provide a name for your application
    4. User support email – The email address you used to access the cloud platform
  4. Save and continue.
  5. Leave the Scopes page as-is and click Continue.

Obtain Client ID and Client Secret

  1. Navigate to APIs & Services > Credentials.
  2. Select Create Credentials > OAuth Client ID.
  3. Select Application type > Web application.
  4. Under Authorized Redirect URIs, enter: http://localhost:1173/oauthresult.aspx
    • 1173 is the default port number used when installing the Google Drive connector.
    • If the connector will be installed on a different port make sure to authorize a redirect URI using that port.
  5. Click Create.
  6. A pop-up window appears with the ClientID and Client Secret.