Regular Operations: Run and Review on a Regular Basis
Exchange Mailbox Load Task (Connection)
The Mailbox Load task adds new mailboxes to the master Mailbox list.
This is done by querying for accounts from the Active Directory A directory service for Windows domain networks. A hierarchical structure that stores information about objects on the network. Used to manage permissions and control access to critical network resources. (AD A directory service for Windows domain networks. A hierarchical structure that stores information about objects on the network. Used to manage permissions and control access to critical network resources.).
For each account discovered from AD, a lookup is made to the mailbox list.
If the mailbox does not exist, the mailbox is created and access to the mailbox is attempted in Exchange.
Mailboxes are flagged as:
- Active/Inactive for indexing: Depends on the default value set in the Connection Connection defines the how Connectivity Hub connects to your Source System (which contains your documents, graphics, etc.,). Your Connection includes identifying elements such as: URL of the BA Insight web service connector you are using, (File Share connector, SharePoint Online connector, etc.), Authentication mode, User Accounts and Credentials, Database information (for database connectors) configuration.
- Valid/Invalid: Depends on whether the Connector can access the mailbox in Exchange.
Exchange Mailbox Sync Task (Content)
This task synchronizes the Cache Database for each mailbox with the contents of the mailbox in the Exchange Server.
- For each mailbox, the task looks for new folders and add them to the Mail folders list and then load the items for those folders to the Cache Database.
- This task removes any folders that are no longer in Exchange and removes any items from the Cache Database for that folder.
- For existing folders, the Sync task adds any new messages to the Cache Database.
Note: The items in the Cache Database which are not in Exchange are not handled during this task.
Exchange Mailbox Deletion Sync (Content)
This job compares all of the email folder contents in Exchange with the Cache Database and marks any items that are in the Cache Database and NOT in Exchange for deletion. The deletion occurs during the next crawl or target A Target is a "pointer" to a specific instance of a search application, such as Elasticsearch. - (A Search application instance has one or more indexes) update.
- BA Insight recommends that you run this job regularly on at least a weekly basis and potentially daily depending upon how long it takes to run the Sync operation.
- Running this job reduces the number of hits back to the Exchange access point (OWA/CAS) and makes the indexing/target process more efficient.
Operation to Be Run as Needed: Mailbox Deletion Task (Connection)
- This job is designed to delete and purge all mailbox content.
- After this job is run, all the mailboxes are removed from the Mailbox list for the Connection and all content in the Cache Database is removed.
- The next time the Mailbox Load Task is run, all new mailboxes are created.
- The next time the Mailbox Sync Task is run, these new mailboxes load new folders and items into the Cache Database.
- All new content is retrieved during the next Target process (Crawl or Target Synch) and therefore a Content Reset or Index Flush should be done first because all previous content is no longer valid.
Extracted Properties
- FilePath
- isPublic
- item extension
- file extension
- flagDelete
- Last Update
- Last Update From Enumerator
- escbase_class
- escbase_id
- escbase_extension
- escbase_fileextension
- escbase_emailfolder
- escbase_emailfoldertype
- escbase_mailbox
- escbase_mailboxowner
- escbase_emailfrom - except Notes
- escbase_emailto - except Calendar items, Tasks, Contacts, Journals and Notes
- escbase_container
- escbase_contentid
- ows_SiteName
- SiteName
- escbase_public
- Url
- Title
- escbase_emailrul