Map Source System Users and Groups to Active Directory

Use the Active Directory A directory service for Windows domain networks. A hierarchical structure that stores information about objects on the network. Used to manage permissions and control access to critical network resources. page to map users and groups from the source system Your Source System is the repository where your data is stored (data to be indexed). This repository is managed by applications such as: - SharePoint O365 - SharePoint 2013/16/19 - Documentum - File Share - OpenText - Lotus Notes - etc. Your Source System repository can also be a database such as SQL or Oracle. to Active Directory.

Target Directory

  1. From the top navigation menu select Tools > Configuration.

  2. Select the Target A Target is a "pointer" to a specific instance of a search application, such as Elasticsearch. - (A Search application instance has one or more indexes) Directory tab.


Configure the Active Directory using the fields on the page.

  1. Active Directory Server
    1. Enter the name of an existing Connection Connection defines the how Connectivity Hub connects to your Source System (which contains your documents, graphics, etc.,). Your Connection includes identifying elements such as: URL of the BA Insight web service connector you are using, (File Share connector, SharePoint Online connector, etc.), Authentication mode, User Accounts and Credentials, Database information (for database connectors) to enable the Connections to share the input Connection’s mapping.
    2. If an existing Connection is entered into this field:
      • The connection's mapped users and groups are used
      • The rest of the settings on this page are replicated from your current Connection
  2. Authentication mode
    1. Use Service Account
  3. Root Domain
    1. Enter the Domain name that is used to map users from your source system into Active Directory.
      1. Your entry must be the fully qualified domain name format.
      2. For example: subdomain.mydomain.local.
  4. Content Owner
    1. This is the domain user such as MyDomain\contentowner.
    2. This user will have access to all search results.
    3. This must be a domain user with full read access to the information in SharePoint that is crawled by this content source Content Sources do the following: Receive data from the Source System via the Connection, Filter the data it receives, Provide the results to the Target, Define the specific search index that contains the content you wish to index (and later search).
    4. Typically, this is the SP Search Service account, or similar administrative account.
  5. Click Save.