Run Security Synchronization
The Security Sync Loads User and Group tables and executes the mapping based on the connector configuration. task is needed for Connectors that use the Security Mapping function of Connectivity Hub. This task loads User and Group tables and executes the mapping based on the connector configuration.
How to Create the Initial Security Sync Task
To create the initial Security Sync task follow these steps:
- Open Connectivity Hub.
- Select the Tasks tab.
- Click New.. and configure the task:
Click the Create button and click the Refresh button to show the job status.
The job information displays below.
When the job has completed, it should disappear from the Active Jobs tab and appear in Jobs History with "Completed" in the Status column.
When you are ready to start index for production, schedule this job to run frequently.
The frequency depends on the changes made in the source system Your Source System is the repository where your data is stored (data to be indexed). This repository is managed by applications such as: - SharePoint O365 - SharePoint 2013/16/19 - Documentum - File Share - OpenText - Lotus Notes - etc. Your Source System repository can also be a database such as SQL or Oracle. for security related items such as new accounts, group membership changes, etc.
We recommend a minimum of once per day, with more frequent intervals depending upon the impact to AD A directory service for Windows domain networks. A hierarchical structure that stores information about objects on the network. Used to manage permissions and control access to critical network resources. and the source system.