How to Set Up and Configure the IBM Notes Connector

All BA Insight connectors can be downloaded from the Upland Right Answers Portal under Knowledge > BA Insight > Product Downloads > Connectors. This connector is installed with the same generic steps as any BA Insight connector. You must satisfy the Prerequisites for your connector before installing. The configuration specifics are detailed below.

IBM Mailbox (MB) Sub-Connector

Filter Mailbox Items Using the Repository Tab

This section applies only to the IBM Notes Mailbox or "MB" sub-connector. Navigate to the Repository tab to enter this information.

  1. Load Available: Click to load the list of available IBM Lotus Domino database files.
  2. Exclude Directories: Use the Connection Connection defines the how Connectivity Hub connects to your Source System (which contains your documents, graphics, etc.,). Your Connection includes identifying elements such as: URL of the BA Insight web service connector you are using, (File Share connector, SharePoint Online connector, etc.), Authentication mode, User Accounts and Credentials, Database information (for database connectors) Information form (previous form) to narrow down the choices.
  3. Available list: Select the repository of databases and add or remove to or from the Selected list.

Connection Configuration Specifics

The Advanced Security Module is needed for the connector to support both database level and document level permissions.

After you complete the basic settings, scroll down in the Connection Info tab to access additional settings:

Setting Description
Notes Password Enter the password of the account running the Notes Connector.
Exclude Database Folders

Enter the folder paths to exclude folders when database names are loaded into the Repository tab.

  • Use the full starting path, for example: iNotes, help, mail/chris, app/internal.

  • This parameter is required.

  • If you do not wish to exclude any folder, enter a value which does not match any folder and will not match any folder in the future.

    • For example, "thisisafoldernamewhichdoesnotexist."

Ignore Reader Fields Click this setting to ignore reader fields when computing ACLs.
Use Local Address Books

Click this setting to use the local address books for the security sync Loads User and Group tables and executes the mapping based on the connector configuration. operation.

  • The Connector pulls the users and groups from a local replica.

  • This capability removes the need to modify the .ini file on the server in large deployments where there are many users and groups, which can result in buffer size errors.

To set up the local replica and enable this operation, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Notes client.
  2. Open the sever address book you want to replicate.
  3. Select File>Replication > New Replica and create the local replica.
  4. If you have more than one address book (for example, if you are using directory assistance), make a local replica for each book.
    Note: If you create the replica in a directory other than the data directory, make sure that the system account can modify the directory contents or replication fails.
  5. Shut down the Notes client.
  6. Open the notes.ini file and find the names= line, or add one if the line does not exist.
  7. The first entry should be the local address book names.nsf.
    1. If you created another replica called serverbook.nsf, add the following replicas: names=names.nsf,serverbook.nsf
Domino Server Enter the name of your IBM Lotus Domino server. It must be in the form: <server name>/<instance name>

Note: If you selected the Mailbox sub-connector, continue your configuration as described in the section above IBM Mailbox (MB) Sub-Connector.