Similar Bing Entities Example

The Similar Documents Results Processor code example based on the received similar documents request, uses the first metadata value to execute searches via the Bing Entity Search API.

The end-to-end mechanism returns the Bing Entity result related to the most frequent entity (metadata values) present in the user query results set:

 if(!Results.ExecutedQuery.QueryText.ToLower().Contains("diabetes treatment"))
 string contentString;
 entities = new { entities = new { Value = new[] { new { name = 
string.Empty, url = string.Empty, description = string.Empty } } } };
Task.Run(async () => {
 // Do any async anything you need here without worry
string host = "";
 string path = "/bing/v7.0/entities";
string market = "en-US";
// NOTE: Replace this example key with a valid subscription key.
 string key = "yourAPIKeyHere";
 SimilarDocumentsRequest similarDocRequest;
string newsEntity = "DOCUMENTENTITIES";
similarDocRequest = SimilarDocumentsUtil.GetSimilarDocumentsRequestFromQuery(Results.ExecutedQuery);
catch(Exception e)
{//log exception 
 (!similarDocRequest.SimilarityProperties.ContainsKey(newsEntity) || 
similarDocRequest.SimilarityProperties[newsEntity].Count < 1)
var bestEntity = similarDocRequest.SimilarityProperties[newsEntity].FirstOrDefault();
string query = "Diabetes";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
 client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", key);
string uri = host + path + "?mkt=" + market + "&q=" + System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode(query);
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(uri);
contentString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

 var schema = new { entities = new { Value = new[] { new { name = 
string.Empty, url = string.Empty, description = string.Empty } } } };
entities = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(contentString, schema);
 foreach (var value in entities.entities.Value.Take(3))
 var title =;
 var summary = value.description;
 var url = value.url;
var result = new SearchResult();

 result.AddOrChangeProperty("title", query +": " + title, typeof(System.String));
result.AddOrChangeProperty("clickUri", url, typeof(System.String));
 result.AddOrChangeProperty("filetype", "html");


{ //log exception 


Referenced Assemblies

  • Newtonsoft.Json.dll
  • System.Net.Http.dll

Imported Namespaces

  • System
  • System.Net
  • Newtonsoft.Json
  • System.Threading.Tasks
  • System.Net.Http