Zendesk Hub

About Zendesk Hub

To integrate SmartHub with Zendesk you must install the SmartHub for Zendesk app package into your Zendesk tenant.

  • SmartHub for Zendesk is a Zendesk for Support app.

  • See more info about types of Zendesk applications here.

Installation Procedure

Perform the following steps to install SmartHub for Zendesk

  1. Go to your SmartHub install folder

  2. Go to integrations folder

  3. Archive the smarthub_for_zendesk_app folder into a .zip file

  4. Log in to your Zendesk tenant as an Admin

  5. Go to Admin Settings -> Manage (under Apps)

  6. Click 'Upload private app'

  7. Give the app a name.
    1. Example: 'SmartHub Search'

  8. Choose the .zip file obtained at step 3.

  9. Click 'Upload'

  10. Review the settings of the app using the below table

  11. Click 'Install'

  12. Done!

Configuration Options

To change the app settings at any time:

  1. Go to Admin Settings -> Manage (under Apps)
  2. Choose "Change Settings" from the app menu.
  3. Modify the app setting(s) detailed below, as you desire.

The following table contains details about what each setting is and how it can be customized.

Setting name Usage Sample/default value

The title of the app.

This is how the app name appears across the Zendesk tenant.

SmartHub Search
SmartHub Page Address for Ticket Side Bar The SmartHub page that will be displayed within the iframe when a ticket is in view. https://smarthub.contoso.com/Results.html
Smart Hub Page Address for Ticket Editor Action Bar The SmartHub page that will be displayed when you click on the SmartHub app in the Action Bar of a Ticket Editor Text Box. https://smarthub.contoso.com/Results.html
Smart Hub Page Address for Navigation Bar The SmartHub page that will be displayed full scree when you click on the SmartHub app on the navigation bar on the left. https://smarthub.contoso.com/Index.html
Container height (in pixels) when SmartHub is in Ticket Side Bar This is the height of the SmartHub iframe container that appears in the Ticket Side Bar.  600
Container height(in pixels - max 320) when SmartHub is in Ticket Editor Action Bar This is the height of the SmartHub iframe container that will pop up in the Ticket Editor Action Bar when you click on the SmartHub app. 320
Container width (in pixels) when SmartHub is in Ticket Editor Action Bar This is the width of the SmartHub iframe container  that will pop up in the Ticket Editor Action Bar when you click on the SmartHub app. 400