How to Uninstall SmartHub and Related Components
To avoid losing any customizations, back up any SmartHub directories that contain customized files such as CustomerCustomization, Templates, Certificates, etc.
When you uninstall SmartHub, the Elasticsearch indices and Kibana A source-available data visualization dashboard for Elasticsearch reports remain intact.
How to Uninstall SmartHub
- Back up any SmartHub directories that contain customized files.
- Delete the
NOTE:- If you intend to keep your current SmartHub directory, and overwrite existing SmartHub files with v6 SmartHub files later:
- Open your current, active SmartHub directory
- Delete the files within it.
- Later, when you extract your new SmartHub files into your current directory, be sure to rename the directory or else make a marker or note that indicates which version of SmartHub you have installed.
- If you intend to keep your current SmartHub directory, and overwrite existing SmartHub files with v6 SmartHub files later:
- Delete the SmartHub website from IIS.
- Delete the app from the Application Pools.