Reference Library

SearchQuery Object

The SearchQuery object is based on the query information that SmartHub receives as a query from SharePoint.

The most important properties of this class are described below:

Property Description
string QueryText The search terms entered by the user.
ResultType ResultTypes

Flags indicating which type of results should be returned.
Possible types:

  • RelevantResults
  • RefinementResults
  • SpecialTermResults
  • VisualBestBetsResults
  • DefinitionResults
  • PersonalFavoriteResults
  • InterleavedResults
  • StackedResults
Note: The SharePoint 2013 SSA backend returns all result types that match your query, regardless of the values that are specified.
int StartRow Return results starting from this result number (0-based).
int RowsPerPage Return this number of results (maximum).
string Refiners A comma (,) separated list of refiner names that can be returned for the search results.
StringCollection SelectProperties The property names that each search result should contain.
SortCollection SortList

This property specifies how the results should be sorted.

Each sort in SortList is either a managed property or a rank profile.

StringCollection RefinementFilters

A collection of the user-applied refinements.

Each string is a refinement token used by SharePoint, which can be deserialized using the Refinement class to obtain the refiner name (the category), the refinement name (the display name of the applied refinement) and the refinement value (some hidden internal used value for the applied refinement).

bool EnableQueryRules

True if Query Rules are turned on for this query. False otherwise.

The default value is True.

Guid SiteId The identifier (ID) for the site associated with the query.
Guid SourceId The identifier (ID) for the result source to be used to run the query.
bool IsPeopleQuery

Specifies if the query represents a People Search Query.

Property assigned within SmartHub according to the result source used for the query.

bool ShouldProcessQuery

Should be assigned within backend level query pipeline stages and specifies if the query will be executed against the backend.

The default value is True.

bool EnableInterleaving

True if the ResultTables in the ResultTableCollection produced by executing this query should be interleaved. False otherwise.

The default value is True.

The SearchQuery object contains all the properties of the SharePoint KeywordQueryProperties object, except for the following:

  • AlertInfo
  • AuthenticationType
  • HighlightedSentenceCount
  • PagingCookie

For more information about the SharePoint KeywordQueryProperties object, see: KeywordQueryProperties members

The SearchQuery class also contains:

Property Description
Dictionary<string, object> ExtendedProperties Reserved for future use.

SearchResults Object

Member Description
RelevantResults The main search results, as a list of SearchResult objects.
RefinementResults The refinements to the search, as a list of RefinementResult objects.
SpecialTermResults Special term results.
BestBetResults Best Bet results.
VisualBestBetResults Visual best bet results.
InterleavedResults Specifies how result tables generated by the query rules are interleaved within the result set for the original query.
HighConfidenceResults High-confidence results.
QueryTerms Gets or sets a list of the search terms used by the query.
A full copy of the SearchQuery object used to return the results.
FederatorErrorCollection RuntimeErrors

Contains the following message types that are generated during a query:

  • Error
  • Warning
  • Info
PerformanceInfo PerformanceInformation Stores information about SmartHub performance (time intervals in milliseconds).
String BackendName The name of the backend the results came from.
Boolean SuppressPagination If true the pagination is ignored, false otherwise. The default value is false.
Dictionary<string, object> TableCollectionProperties

Stores the ResultTableCollection properties.

The properties of the main backend have priority in the mixing algorithm.

Dictionary<string, List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>> TableProperties Stores the table properties for each result table that is received from the backend (refinement and interleaved results for example).
Dictionary<string, object> RelevantResultsProperties Stores the RelevantResults table properties.
List<ResultBlock> ResultBlocks Each ResultBlock object contains a list of relevant results that belong to a SharePoint 2013 result block and the result block properties.
List<PersonalFavoriteResult> PersonalFavoriteResults Personal favorite results.
IgnoredNoiseWords Gets, or sets, the list of ignored noise words.

The Did You Mean? value returned to the user.

Only the suggestions from the main backend are returned.

TotalRelevantResults The total number of relevant search results.
The total number of relevant search results, including duplicates.
PeopleSuggestions A list of strings representing the names of the People results that are returned as suggestions.
ResultSuggestions A list of FederatorPersonalResultSuggestion objects that represent item results that are returned as suggestions.
QuerySuggestions A list of FederatorQuerySuggestion objects that represent queries that are returned as suggestions.

A SearchResult object contains multiple properties that correspond to the SelectProperties items from the SearchQuery object (SharePoint asks for some specific list of properties of the search results, such as:

  • Title

  • Url


To work with those properties, you can use the following helper functions defined for the SearchResult class:

Method Comments
SearchResultProperty FindProperty(string propertyName) Finds a property in the set of properties of this search result.
bool ContainsProperty(string propertyName) Check if this search result contains a specific property.
object GetProperty(string propertyName) Gets the value of a property, or null if the property does not exist.
void AddProperty(String name, object value) Adds a property to the search result's list of properties.
void AddOrChangeProperty
(string propertyName, object value)
Updates or adds a property to the search result's list of properties.


  • All of the above methods use case-insensitive search.

  • The Properties property is also available.

  • This is a list of SearchResultProperty objects.

  • A SearchResultProperty object contains a Name (string) and a Value (object).

  • The FederatorMetadata property should be ignored, because it is populated and used by SmartHub after the results are returned.

RefineResult Object

Property Description
RefinerName The name of the refiner (category).
RefinementName The display name of the refinement (filter item).
RefinementValue A hidden string bound to the refinement (which the backends can see when the user chooses this refinement).
RefinementCount Number of results for this refinement.

FederatorPersonalResultSuggestion Object

Property Description
Title The title of the result.
Url The URL of the result suggestion.
IsBestBet Specifies if the returned result is a best bet item.
HighlightedTitle The title including hit highlighting for the current query.
ClickCount Number of times the suggestion was selected.

FederatorQuerySuggestion Object

Property Description
IsPersonal Specifies whether the suggestion is generated based on the current user running the search.
Query The text of the query suggestion being returned.
QueryBeforeHithighlighting The text of the query suggestion without hit highlighting.