Akumina Hub
There are 2 types of integration with your Akumina Intranet:
- Integrate the SmartHub UI in the Akumina search page
- Replace the default Akumina SearchBox that is present on all the Akumina intranet pages suite bars with a SmartHub Searchbox with TypeAhead
BA Insight SmartHub widget must be installed by deploying the Akumina packages available into your SmartHub installation directory
SmartHub must be accessible from the internet via HTTPS
SmartHub must be secured with Azure Active Directory
Users must be able to log in to both Akumina intranet and SmartHub using the same account
Access to the Azure Portal App Registration
You must edit the URLs that are allowed to use the App registration
Security Configurations
Configure the web.config File
Open the web.config file from SmartHub:
Remove the X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy headers.
Configure Security in SmartHub Admin
Navigate to the SmartHub Administration page.
Go to the Security Settings section.
Add your Akumina site URL to the Trusted App Redirect URLs field.
Click Save.
Install the SmartHub Widgets
Install the BA-Insight SmartHub Results widget:
Navigate to the Akumina App Manager by using the toolbar from your site.
Navigate to Akumina Central
Click on the Management Apps tab.
Open the Widget Manager:
In the Widget Manager choose Import Widget and select the SmartHubResults.zip file from the SmartHub installation folder under /integrations/akumina/ and click Import ZIP
In the Widget Manager choose Import Widget and select the SmartHubSearchBox.zip file from the SmartHub installation folder under /integrations/akumina/ and click Import ZIP
Add the SmartHub Widgets to an Akumina Page
Navigate to the desired Akumina page.
Enter edit mode and add the widget you want to use.
SmartHub Results Widget
About the Widget
The widget is used to embed a SmartHub page inside an Akumina page.
Configure the Search Results HTML Page
Open your Results page in the UI Builder
Create a copy of the page and give it a name such as "Embedded-Results.html".
Switch to the newly created page.
Go to Advanced HTML Edit and make the following changes:
Remove all the non-script tags from the head and everything above the <head> tag.
Replace the <head></head> and <body></body> tags with <div> and </div> while keeping the inner contents of those tags:
For the DIV with ID "search" add a new attribute
Replace the src attribute of logo with the absolute URL.
Change the SHRootLevelURL value to your SmartHub root address
Make sure that
is pointing to "Embeded-Results.html"
Copyconst customSettingsFile = SHRootLevelURL + "/_bai/v1.0/pagesettings?page=Embeded-Results.html";
Go to Advanced Settings Edit and add the following code to the SH.Loader.FilesToLoad section.
Change the URL to any custom CSS or JavaScript file that was added to use the full SmartHub URL instead of the relative URL, or to use the SHRootLevelURL.
Load the correct theme file
Change the URL to point to the location of the Akumina home site
CopySH.Loader = SH.Loader || {};
SH.Loader.FilesToLoad = {
"https://smarthub.contoso.com/modules/Authentication/OAuth.js": {
"params": {
"id": "OAuth",
"data-login-redirect-uri": "https://akuminahomepage"
"/_bai/v1.0/pagetheme?page=/Embeded-Results.html": {}
}; -
If you plan to use the SmartHub SearchBox or the Akumina Searchbox the SmartHub SearchBox should be disabled.
SH.SearchBox = SH.SearchBox || {};
SH.SearchBox.CustomSettings = {
".sh-search-section": {
Enabled: false
".sh-akumina-search-section": {
Enabled: true,
SearchBoxTemplatePath: SHRootLevelURL + "/modules/SearchBox/templates/searchboxTemplate.html",
ScopedSearchTemplatePath: SHRootLevelURL + "/modules/SearchBox/templates/scopedSearchTemplate.html",
KeepRefinersTemplatePath: SHRootLevelURL + "/modules/SearchBox/templates/keepRefinersTemplate.html",
ShowScopedSearch: true,
ShowKeepRefiners: true,
RemoveResultsOnClear: true,
ShowSelectedScope: false,
EnableDuplicateSearch: true,
ModuleDetails: {
SearchBoxPlaceholder: "Search...".toLocaleString(),
KeepRefinersLabel: "Keep Refiners".toLocaleString()
SH.SearchBox.PathsToExclude = [];
Configure the SmartHubResults Widget
Go to the Akumina Page where you have added the widget
Go to Edit Mode
Select and edit the SmartHubResults widget
Add the Embedded-Results.html complete URL on the HTML page link setting.
Save the widget
SmartHub SearchBox Widget
The widget is used to embed the SmartHub SearchBox in an Akumina Page, replacing the Akumina Searchbox
Configure the SmartHub Searchbox Setting Files
Navigate to <SmartHub_root>/integrations/Akumina
Copy the "TypeAheadSettings " folder to your customizations folder
Rename the files with better fitting names
Update the <SmartHub Site> in the following section in the file NewResultsPageSettings.js with your SmartHub site address.
Update <Akumina Page> and <Results Page> in the following section in the file NewResultsPageSettings.js.
CopyJSFilesToLoad[SH.SmartHubAddress + "/modules/Authentication/OAuth.js"] = {
"params": {
"id": "OAuth",
"data-login-redirect-uri": "<Akumina HomePage>",
"data-redirect-uri": "<Results Page>",
"data-search-uri": SH.SmartHubAddress + "/_bai/v1.0/search",
"data-userprofile-uri": SH.SmartHubAddress + "/_bai/v1.0/userprofile",
"data-bothelper-uri": SH.SmartHubAddress + "/_bai/v1.0/chatbot",
"data-spellcheck-uri": SH.SmartHubAddress + "/_bai/v1.0/spellcheck",
"data-analytics-uri": SH.SmartHubAddress + "/_bai/Analytics",
"data-integration-uri": SH.SmartHubAddress + "/_integration",
"data-smartautomations-uri": SH.SmartHubAddress + "/_bai/integration/appbus/list",
"data-federatorimpersonation-uri": SH.SmartHubAddress + "/_bai/v1.0/federatedImpersonation"
window.SH = {
Loader: {
FilesToLoad: {},
PathsToExclude: {}
TypeAhead: {},
IntegrationMode: true,
RootLevelURL: typeof (SHRootLevelURL) == "undefined" ? "" : SHRootLevelURL,
SmartAnalyticsURL: "<SmartHub Site>/_bai/Analytics",
SmartHubAddress: "<SmartHub Site>",
Configure the SmartHub SearchBox Widget
Go to the Akumina page where you have added the widget
Go to Edit Mode
Select and edit the SmartHub SearchBox widget
Set the selector for the container where the SmartHub SearchBox will render.
Change the SHRootLevelURL value to your SmartHub root address
Add the full URL for the TypeAhead custom settings modified earlier
Add the full URL for the TypeAhead page settings modified earlier
Save the widget
If the container doesn't exist it can be added by modifying the Akumina Master page via the View Manager or the value changed to one that exists in the page.
The Akumina SearchBox can also be manually removed by editing the Master Page via the View Manager.