NLQ Service
The NLQ service can be called via API from external components.
Details about the Endpoints used are below.
Two end points must be called:
- Verify User Question
- Description:
- This endpoint tells you if the user query can be a natural language query.
- The result of this query will determine if the endpoint Get NLQ Response below is necessary and beneficial to call.
- This endpoint is called first.
- Endpoint: https://<SmartHub-app-url>/_bai/v1.0/chatbot/verify
- POST request
- Must include HTTP request header: X-SH-Authorization
- Request body (see "Endpoint Sample Request Body" code below)
- Format: JSON
- Description:
- Get NLQ Response
- Description:
- This endpoint calls your NLQ service, and returns the user intent and entities detected in the original query.
- If a Bot Conversation matches the intent, this call returns the new query text, or the HTML snippet configured in the Bot Conversation.
- Returns a query transformation
- POST request
- Must include HTTP request header: X-SH-Authorization
- Call the Get NLQ Response endpoint only if the Verify User Question endpoint returns
- Endpoint: https://<SmartHub-app-url/_bai/v1.0/chatbot/process
- Description:
Endpoint Sample Request Body
This applies to both endpoints:
"question": "show me diabetes treatment documents",
"query": {
"CorrelationId": "7bb46f7a-8b7c-8192-0376-84a53105f2bd",
"QueryText": "show me diabetes treatment documents",
"QueryTemplate": "{searchboxquery} FederatorBackends:\"*\"",
"SortList": [
"SortType": 1,
"PropertyName": "Rank",
"Direction": 1
"EnableSorting": true,
"PreferredLanguage": "en-US",
"HitHighlightedProperties": [
"Title" ],
"RowLimit": 10,
"StartRow": 0,
"SelectProperties": [
"DisplayAuthor" ],
"Refiners": "DisplayAuthor,filetype,ContentSource,RefinableString131",
"SourceId": "221c396f-c525-4fe2-a210-c58c81ffeb99",
"RefinementFilters": [],
"TrimDuplicates": true,
"EnableStemming": true,
"Source": "ChatBot",
"SummaryLength": 200,
"ResultsUrl": "" }
Verify User Question Sample Response Body
Get NLQ Sample Response Body
"{\"message\":\"\",\"queryText\":\"( diabetes treatment )\",\"additionalResultsQueryToRun\":\"( diabetes treatment )\",\"raw\":\"{\\r\\n \\\"query\\\": \\\"show me diabetes treatment documents\\\",\\r\\n \\\"topScoringIntent\\\": {\\r\\n \\\"intent\\\": \\\"SearchForDocuments\\\",\\r\\n \\\"score\\\": 0.885881841\\r\\n },\\r\\n \\\"intents\\\": [\\r\\n {\\r\\n \\\"intent\\\": \\\"SearchForDocuments\\\",\\r\\n \\\"score\\\": 0.885881841\\r\\n },\\r\\n {\\r\\n \\\"intent\\\": \\\"SearchForPeople\\\",\\r\\n \\\"score\\\": 0.154521391\\r\\n },\\r\\n {\\r\\n \\\"intent\\\": \\\"None\\\",\\r\\n \\\"score\\\": 0.000812157639\\r\\n },\\r\\n {\\r\\n \\\"intent\\\": \\\"AskForExperts\\\",\\r\\n \\\"score\\\": 0.0005798265\\r\\n }\\r\\n ],\\r\\n \\\"entities\\\": [\\r\\n {\\r\\n \\\"entity\\\": \\\"diabetes\\\",\\r\\n \\\"type\\\": \\\"Diseases\\\",\\r\\n \\\"startIndex\\\": 8,\\r\\n \\\"endIndex\\\": 15,\\r\\n \\\"resolution\\\": {\\r\\n \\\"values\\\": [\\r\\n \\\"diabetes\\\"\\r\\n ]\\r\\n }\\r\\n },\\r\\n {\\r\\n \\\"entity\\\": \\\"diabetes treatment\\\",\\r\\n \\\"type\\\": \\\"Information\\\",\\r\\n \\\"startIndex\\\": 8,\\r\\n \\\"endIndex\\\": 25,\\r\\n \\\"resolution\\\": {\\r\\n \\\"values\\\": [\\r\\n \\\"diabetes treatment\\\"\\r\\n ]\\r\\n }\\r\\n },\\r\\n {\\r\\n \\\"entity\\\": \\\"diabetes\\\",\\r\\n \\\"type\\\": \\\"Skills\\\",\\r\\n \\\"startIndex\\\": 8,\\r\\n \\\"endIndex\\\": 15,\\r\\n \\\"resolution\\\": {\\r\\n \\\"values\\\": [\\r\\n \\\"Diabetes\\\"\\r\\n ]\\r\\n }\\r\\n }\\r\\n ]\\r\\n}\",\"payload\":\"{\\\"UserIntent\\\":\\\"SearchForDocuments\\\",\\\"Entities\\\":[{\\\"Type\\\":\\\"Diseases\\\",\\\"Value\\\":\\\"diabetes\\\",\\\"Properties\\\":{\\\"values\\\":[\\\"diabetes\\\"]}},{\\\"Type\\\":\\\"Information\\\",\\\"Value\\\":\\\"diabetes treatment\\\",\\\"Properties\\\":{\\\"values\\\":[\\\"diabetes treatment\\\"]}},{\\\"Type\\\":\\\"Skills\\\",\\\"Value\\\":\\\"Diabetes\\\",\\\"Properties\\\":{\\\"values\\\":[\\\"Diabetes\\\"]}}]}\"}"
Response Body
To use the received response body, use the following JavaScript code:
var nlqResponse = JSON.parse(responseBodyHere)
The full RAW response from the configured NLQ service can be found by using this command: