Security Hardening for your SmartHub Instance

How to Add or Remove Response Headers

The <customHeaders> element of the <httpProtocol> element specifies custom HTTP headers that Internet Information Services (IIS) returns in HTTP responses from the Web server.

  1. Navigate to the SmartHub directory<SmartHub_Installation_Root>
  2. Search for web.config
  3. Using a text editor, open web.config
  4. Search for <customHeaders>
  5. Between <customHeaders></customHeaders> add your request headers needed
  6. Example:
    <add name="X-Frame-Options" value="SAMEORIGIN" />
  7. In case that you want to remove a response header, add
    <remove name ="ExampleResponseHeader" />

How to Exclude a File from Loading in a SmartHub page

If you want to exclude files that are provided out-of-the box via theDefaultModuleSettings.jsfile, use theSH.Loader.PathsToExcludeobject in your custom settings file to exclude them. (default location:<SmartHub_Installation_Root>/modules/SmartHubResourceLoader/CustomSettingsTemplate.js)

In the next example, the ProximitySearch module is excluded.

SH.Loader.PathsToExclude = [
Note: Optional: After you exclude using above example a file, you can delete it from disk.

How to Exclude Unused Integration Options from SmartHub

If you want to exclude files that are provided out-of-the-box in the package from integration folder, you can delete it.

At update time, the folders removed from integration folder, must be delete it again.