Microsoft Search External Items
The Microsoft Search External Items search engine uses Microsoft Graph API to:
- Send search queries to Microsoft 365
- Receive content indexed using Microsoft Search connectors
Set Azure Active Directory Authentication
Set authentication to Azure Active Directory in SmartHub as described here: Azure Active Directory Authentication.
Client ID Requirements
The Client ID specified in Azure Active Directory Authentication above, must belong to an application with the following permissions:
- Microsoft Graph
- Files.Read.All
- Files.Read.All
How to Add the Microsoft Search External Items search engine to SmartHub
Use the following instructions to add the Microsoft Search External Items search engine to SmartHub:
- Navigate to the SmartHub Administration page: http(s)://[web-app-url]/_admin
- Click Add New Search Engine. The search engine dialogue box appears.
- Type: Select Regular
- Search Engine: Select MS Search External Items from the drop-down list.
- Connector Connection ID: Enter the connection ID associated with your content.
- To find the connector connection ID, do the following:
- Go to the Office Admin page
- Click Settings > Microsoft Search.
- Click Connectors
- A list of your current connectors appears with their Connection IDs. See the graphic below.
- The connection ID value is the parameter the search engine expects to receive.
- To find the connector connection ID, do the following:
- Name: Enter a name for your search engine.
- Search Engine
- search engine Name: Enter a search engine name.
- search engine type: Select the search engine type "MSSearchExternalItemssearch engine."
- Connector Connection Id: Enter the connection ID associated with your content.
- Connector Connection ID:
- To get the connector Connection ID:
- Go to the Office Admin page
- Go to Settings → Microsoft Search.
- Go to Connectors
- A list of your current connectors appears with their Connection IDs. See the graphic below.
- The connection ID value is the parameter the search engine expects to receive.
- To get the connector Connection ID:
- Graph Url: Enter the MS Graph address
- For example:
- For example:
- Authentication: Select whether to enable or disable Impersonate authentication:
- Impersonate set to enabled (checked):
- Security trims the results using the current user running the search
- Impersonate set to disabled (unchecked):
- Client Id: Enter the Application ID from Azure App Registrations.
- Client Secret: Enter the Key's value from Azure App Registrations.
- Microsoft Login Endpoint: Example:
- Access Token: Enter the access token from SmartHub's OAuth page.
Refresh Token: Enter the refresh token from SmartHub's OAuth page.
Note: To get the Access token and Refresh tokens, click the "Authorize" button, but note all the fields above must be complete (GraphUrl, ClientId, ClientSecret, MicrosoftLoginEndpoint).
- Impersonate set to enabled (checked):
How to Register an App in Azure and Configure It
If you use SmartHub with Azure Active Directory authentication, you can reuse the same App and jump to step 5.
- Navigate to and log in.
- From the left side menu go to Azure Active Directory → App registrations → New registration
- Name: Enter the name of the application.
- Application type: Select Web app / API.
- Sign-on URL: Enter the SmartHub's URL.
- Select API Permissions to open the settings menu panel.
- Click Add a Permission.
- Select APIs my organization uses and add the following permissions (as you type the name, it appears):
- Microsoft Graph
- Files.Read.All
- Files.Read.All
- Microsoft Graph
- Click Certificates & secrets>New client secretto generate a client secret key.
- In the window that appears (shown below) enter the following information.
- Description: Enter a name for the client secret. (Note: The name is your client secret).
- Expires: Select the period until expires.
- A Value is generated after you click Add.
If the publisher of your content is ConnectivityHub, then any metadata indexed as "retrievable" can be included in your search results. For example:
- escbasetitle
- escbaseauthor
- escbasecrawlurl
- etc.
Use the SelectProperties list to specify what fields to include.
Note the following limitations when using the Microsoft Search External Items search engine:
Result sorting is not supported.