Provision Azure Web App

The steps below create the Azure web app.

This only creates the app service in Azure; configuring and uploading the code will occur in a later section.

Note: BA Insight does not provide recommendations on these settings.

These settings are highly dependent on your IT environment policies and use case.

For guidance contact BA Insight Support for more information.

  1. Login to the Azure Portal:
  2. Under "App Services" click "Add" and choose "Web App".

  3. Provide the details needed for the Web App:

    BA Insight does not provide recommendations on these settings.

    These settings are highly dependent on your IT environment policies and use case.

    For guidance contact BA Insight Support for more information.

    1. Subscription: Select per your Azure strategy/policy.
    2. Resource Group: Select per your Azure strategy/policy.
    3. Name: Provide a name for your app.
    4. Publish: "Code"
    5. Runetime stack: Select "ASP.NET V4.7"
    6. Operating System: "Windows" 
    7. Region: Select your region.
    8. App Service plan:  Select per your Azure strategy / policy.

  4. Once the Web App is created, view the "Overview" for the new web app.
    1. Record the URL for later use.
    2. Download the publish profile for later use.