Edit Resource Settings

Resource Settings defines the settings required for the default status and default allocation when creating a new resource. It also defines the settings for resource accelerators.

To edit resource settings

  1. On the left icon bar, click the Administration icon .
    The Administration page is displayed.

  1. On the top of the Administration page, under Resource, click Settings.
    The Resource Settings page is displayed.

  1. Click the arrow in the Default Status field.
    A drop-down menu is displayed.
  1. Select the default status required.

  1. Type the default allocation value required.

  1. Click the arrow in the Use this role when adding a resource to a project field.
    A drop-down menu is displayed.
  2. Select the role required.

  1. Click the arrow in the Use this role when adding a resource to a program field.
    A drop-down menu is displayed.
  2. Select the role required.

  1. Click Save.