Manage Portfolios
A portfolio in project management refers to a grouping of projects and programs. The purpose of creating and managing a portfolio is to ensure that the business is taking on the right projects, and to make sure that they align with the company's values, strategies and goals.
To manage portfolios
- On the left icon bar, click the Administration icon
The Administration page is displayed.
- Under Organization, click Portfolios.
The Project Portfolios page is displayed.
- To insert a Portfolio, click the arrow next to the Plus icon
for the required portfolio.
A drop-down menu is displayed.
Note: You can click the Edit or Delete
icons to modify/delete the required Portfolio.
- Select Portfolio (At Top) or Portfolio (At Bottom) as required.
- In the Name field, type the portfolio name required.
- Click the green Save icon
to save new portfolio.
- Click Save.