Project/Resource Effort Grouped by Month
This article provides all the Fields available for each View currently available under the Project/Resource Effort Grouped by Month Data Source in Upland Analytics.
The following Views are available when Project/Resource Effort Grouped by Month Data Source is selected upon creating a report. Click on any of them to view the available Fields.
Actual Allocated Monthly Time
Resource Type
User Permissions - Projects
Field Name | Description | Type |
Actual Allocated Monthly Time Actual Effort Cost | This is the actual effort cost. | # |
Actual Allocated Monthly Time Actual Effort Hours | This is the actual effort in hours. | # |
Actual Allocated Monthly Time Allocated Effort Cost | This is the allocated effort cost. | # |
Actual Allocated Monthly Time Allocated Effort | This is the allocated effort in hours. | # |
Actual Allocated Monthly Time Date | This is the date. | |
Actual Allocated Monthly Time Project Id | This is the ID of the project. | A |
Actual Allocated Monthly Time Resource Id | This is the ID of the resource. | A |
Actual Allocated Monthly Time Resource Type Id | This is the ID type of the resource. | A |
Actual Allocated Monthly Time Time Status | This is the time status. | A |
Actualallocatedmonthlytime Date Month Year | This is the date reported as (Month Year). | |
Actualallocatedmonthlytime Date Quarter Year | This is the date reported as (Year Quarter). | |
Actualallocatedmonthlytime Date Year | This is the date reported as (Year). |
Field Name | Description | Type |
Business Priority | This is the project business priority. | A |
Category | This is the project category. | A |
Category Sort Order | This is the project category sort order. | A |
Created By | Project creator ID. | A |
Created Date | The date the Project was created, formatted as mm/dd/yyyy with a timestamp. | |
Created Date Date | The date the Project was created, formatted as mm/dd/yyyy without a timestamp. | |
Created Date Month Year | The month and the year the Project was created. | |
Created Date Quarter Year | The fiscal quarter and the year the Project was created. | |
Created Date Year | The year the Project was created. | |
Created Date Week | The week the Project was created. | |
Description | This is the project description. | A |
Last Status Update | This is the date and time of the project's last status update. | |
Modified By | This is the project modifier. | A |
Modified Date | The date the Project was last modified, formatted as mm/dd/yyyy with a timestamp. | |
Modified Date Date | The date the Project was last modified, formatted as mm/dd/yyyy without a timestamp. | |
Modified Date Month Year | The month and the year the Project was last modified. | |
Modified Date Quarter Year | The fiscal quarter and the year the Project was last modified. | |
Modified Date Year | The year the Project was last modified. | |
Modified Date Week | The week the Project was last modified. | |
Name (Text) | This is the project name. | A |
Name (URL) | This is the project name. It links directly to the project summary page. | A |
Number | This is the project number. | A |
Operations | This is the project operation. | A |
Organization Owner | This is the project organization owner. | A |
Owner Id | This is the Id of the owner. | A |
Portfolio | This is the name of the portfolio associated to the project. | A |
Priority | This is the project priority. | A |
Priority Sort Order | This is the project priority sort order. | A |
Program | This is the name of the program. | A |
Project Id | This is the ID number of the project. | A |
Project Status Id | This is the ID number of the project's current status. | |
Status | This is the current project status. | |
Status Id | This is the ID number of the project's current status. | A |
Status Sort Order | This is the where the project's current status is listed in the status sort order. | A |
Status Type | This is the project status type. | A |
Status Type Id | This is the ID number of the project's status type. | A |
Status Update | This is the project's most recent status update. Note that this could take up a lot of space in the report. | A |
Type | This is the project's type. | A |
Field Name | Description | Type |
Chat Id | This is the chat Id of the resource. | A |
Created By | This is the resource creator ID | A |
Created Date | The date the Resource was created, formatted mm/dd/yyyy with a timestamp. | |
Created Date Month Year | The month and the year the Resource was created. | |
Created Date Quarter Year | The financial quarter and the year the Resource was created. | |
Created Date Year | The year the Resource was created. | |
Created Date Date | The date the Resource was created, formatted mm/dd/yyyy without a timestamp. | |
Created Date Week | The week the Resource was created. | |
Default Allocation | This is the default allocation of the resource. | A |
Direct Manager Id | This is the ID number of the Resource's direct manager. | A |
This is the resource's email. | A | |
Employee Id | This is the Id of the resource. | A |
Ext | This is the phone extension no. of the resource. | # |
Fax | This is the fax no. of the resource. | # |
First Name | This is the first name of the resource. | A |
Fulltime | This defines whether the resource is fulltime. | A |
Handle | This is the handle of the resource | A |
Initials | This is the initials of the resource name. | A |
Last Name | This is the last name of the resource. | A |
Manager | This indicates whether or not the resource is a manager. | A |
Modified By | This is the ID number of the most recent resource modifier. | A |
Modified Date | The date the Resource was last modified, formatted mm/dd/yyyy with a timestamp. | |
Modified Date Month Year | The month and the year the Resource was last modified. | |
Modified Date Quarter Year | The financial quarter and the year the Resource was last modified. | |
Modified Date Year | The year the Resource was last modified. | |
Modified Date Date | The date the Resource was last modified, formatted mm/dd/yyyy without a timestamp. | |
Modified Date Week | The week the Resource was last modified. | |
Name (URL) | This is the name of the resource, which also serves as a URL link to the Resource Profile. | A |
Operation Time Approver Id | This is the Id of the operation time approver of the resource. | A |
Organization Unit | This is the organization unit of the resource. | A |
Phone | This is the phone no. of the resource. | # |
Position | This is the position of the resource. | A |
Project Time Approver Id | This is the Id of the project time approver of the resource. | A |
Resource Id | This is the Id of the resource. | A |
Status | This is the status of the resource. | A |
Status Sort Order | This is the status sort order of the resource. | A |
Field Name | Description | Type |
Default Allocation | This is the default allocation of the resource type. | A |
Default Rate | This is the default rate (cost) of the resource type. | # |
Id | This is the ID of the resource type. | # |
Initials | These are the initials of the resource type. | A |
Name | This is the name of the resource type. | A |
Field Name | Description | Type |
User Account Type | This is the account type of the user. | A |
User Chat Id | This is the Chat ID of the user. | A |
User Created By | This is the ID of the user's creator. | # |
User Created Date | This is the date the user was created. | A |
User Email | This is the email of the user. | A |
User Employee Id | This is the employee ID of the user. | A |
User Ext | This is the phone number extension of the user. | A |
User Fax | This is the fax number of the user. | A |
User First Name | This is the first name of the user. | A |
User Handle | This is the "@" handle of the user. | A |
User Id | This is the ID of the user. | # |
User Initials | These are the initials of the user. | A |
User Is Active | This indicates whether or not the user is active. | A |
User Last Name | This is the last name of the user. | A |
User Login | This is the login email address of the user. | A |
User Modified By | This is the ID of the last modifier of the user. | # |
User Modified Date | This is the date the user was last modified. | A |
User Phone | This is the phone number of the user. | A |
User URL | This is the full name of the user, which is also a link to the user's profile. | A |