Filter Results Page

Navigating to the Projects, Issues, Risks, or Resources pages each provide the ability to browse a list of records, adjust which columns are viewed while browsing the list, and create filters to view custom lists.

Tip: Risks page is shown as an example. The behavior is the same for each of the objects.

To filter the results page

  1. On the Home page, click the Search icon on the Navigation Menu.
  2. Select Risks.

  1. Click Columns.
    The Configure Panel is displayed.

  1. Under Available Columns section, select the columns required to be displayed on the Results page.

Note: Click Select All or Remove All tabs to select all columns or remove all selections made at one click.

  1. Under Selected Columns section, drag and drop the selected rows up and down as per your arrangement needs.
  2. In the Width field, leave it Auto selected by default or click the arrows up and down to select the width required.

Note: You can click the "X" button next to any selected column to remove it if required.

  1. Click the Sorting tab.
  2. Click the Columns field. A drop-down menu is displayed.
  3. Select the sorting criteria required.

  1. Click the Direction field. A drop-down menu is displayed.
  2. Select Ascending or Descending as required.

  1. Click Save.
    The Results page is displayed.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow below each column header to select the value required for filtering the column.

Note: You can filter by any column except the Date Reported column.