Add Shortcut

You can customize the Navigation Menu by adding your own shortcuts. Shortcuts will open a configured URL in a new browser tab allowing users to quickly access URLs from within FileBound. You can add up to three different shortcuts to the Navigation menu.

Topics include: 

Add a shortcut

Edit a shortcut

Delete a shortcut


Add a shortcut

  1. Click Add.

  2. Enter a name for the shortcut in the Name box.

  3. Enter a URL for the shortcut in the Link URL box.

  4. Select the radio button beneath the icon you want to use for the shortcut.

  5. Select the Status check box to have the icon appear in the Navigation Menu. When this check box is cleared, the icon will not appear in the Navigation Menu.

  6. Click Save.

Edit a shortcut

  1. Select the shortcut that you want to edit, then click Edit.

  2. Edit the shortcut configuration as needed, then click Save.

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Delete a shortcut

  1. Select the shortcut that you want to delete, then click Delete.

  2. Click Delete to confirm the deletion.

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