Main Options - Drive

FileBound Drive allows you to map a drive on your computer to access secure content within a FileBound system. You are then able to access the content by browsing the directories of the mapped drive location just like you are browsing the directories of your local computer. The contents of the directories are stored securely within FileBound and are not copied to the local computer. When a document is selected, it is then opened in the local application and is associated with that document file type on the computer that is being used. FileBound Drive is installed with FileBound Connect. See the Connect online help for more information.

Projects enabled for Drive

This section allows you to enable Drive for specific or all projects in FileBound. The following options are available:

  • None: Drive is not enabled for any projects.
  • All Projects: Drive is enabled for all projects.
  • Selected Projects:  Allows you to select the check box next to specific projects to enable Drive for those projects.