Locked Document Report

The Locked Document Report displays the documents that are locked by users. This is a project dependent report that will only be available if the Document Locking option has been enabled for the project.

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Reports, then click Audit Reports.
  2. Select Locked Document Report from the Report list.
  3. Select a project from the Project list.
  4. Select a user from the User list or select All Users to see information from all users.
  5. Click Submit.

Locked Document Report columns

Field Name Description
Project The name of the project.
File ID A unique number associated with the file.
Key Value A unique number associated with the key field that is set while creating the index values for a project.
Separator The name of the separator associated with the project in which the document was locked.
Divider The name of the divider associated with the project in which the document was locked.
DocumentID A unique number associated with locked document.
Document Name The name of the locked document.
Locked By User Name The name of the user who locked the document.
LockedDate The date and time that the document was locked.

Unlock a document

Only the System Administrator, Project Administrator, or the person who locked the document can unlock documents when viewing the Locked Document Report.

  1. Select the check box next to the document(s) you want to unlock, then click Unlock Documents.
  2. Click Continue to unlock the selected documents.

Alternatively, open the document in a Viewer where the unlock can be completed.