Separator Actions
Separator actions are the functions that can be carried out at the separator level.
To access Separator Actions, right click a separator in the File Tree.

You will only be able to edit separators and separator names if you are assigned to a group with the Document Editing right.
- In the Separator Actions menu, click Change Separator.
- Select the new separator name from the Separator list.
Click OK.

This option performs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on all documents within a separator. This feature works for TIFF files, Word documents, PDF files, and XLS files when an OCR license is installed on the computer and the OCR engine is registered with FileBound.
- In the Separator Actions menu, click Extract Full Text (OCR).
Click OK to acknowledge the confirmation message.

This option adds the selected divider to the separator.
- In the Separator Actions menu, click Add Divider to Separator.
Select a divider from the Divider list.
- Click OK.

This option allows users to import documents into a separator.
- In the Separator Actions menu, click Add Document to Separator.
In the Select Document(s) to Import dialog box, locate the document(s) you want to add to the separator.
You can select multiple documents by pressing Ctrl and selecting each file. You can select all the documents by pressing Shift and selecting the last document in the range you want to select.
- Click Open.
Select a Separator and Divider for the document to be placed under. If you do not select a divider, the document is added under a divider named <<NO DIVIDER>>.
- Select an Original Date for the document.
Click OK.

This option allows users to scan documents into a separator.
- In the Separator Actions menu, click Scan Pages to Separator.
Select a Separator and Divider for the document to be placed under. If you do not select a divider, the document is added under a divider named <<NO DIVIDER>>.
- Click OK.
- Make required changes to the scanner settings in the scanner settings dialog
Click OK to scan pages.

This option pastes copied documents into the selected separator. This option will only be available if a document has already been copied.
- In the Separator Actions menu, click Paste Documents.
Select one of the following options:
- Paste as Copy: Creates another copy of the document in the selected separator.
- Paste as Link: Creates a link to the original document.

This option deletes the selected separator. When you delete a separator from a file, all the dividers and documents contained within the separator are also deleted.
- In the Separator Actions menu, click Delete Separator.
- Click Continue to confirm the deletion.