Adding Project Plug-ins

Fixed plug-ins are provided along with FileBound installation. The System Administrator can add plug-ins at project level. The functionality offered by a plug-in is limited to the project within which the plug-in is created or enabled.

Note: For FileBound Cloud customers the FileBound Cloud team configures these plug-in settings for you.

To Add a plug-in for a project.

  1. Navigate to the Projects page in the Main Options.
  2. Click the Edit icon adjacent to the project you want to edit.
  3. The project configuration page is displayed.

  4. Select Plug-ins in the Configuration list.

  5. Click Add.
  6. The New Plug-in dialog box is displayed.

  7. Select an option in the Enabled list.
  8. You can select Yes from the list to enable the plug-in or No to disable the plug-in.

    By default, Yes is selected from the Enabled list.

  9. Type a name for the plug-in in the Plugin Name box.
  10. The plug-in ID is automatically assigned by the system when you click Save.

  11. Select an option in the Replace Page list.
  12. Some plug-ins are designed to be accessible within the plug-ins pane in the document viewers. If the plug-in you are adding is to appear within this area set this to "Visible".

  1. Select an option in the Hidden list.
  2. You can select No to make the plug-in visible or select Yes to hide the plug-in.

In the Plug-in Display Options section, FileBound provides an option for the plug-in to be displayed. You can specify how the plug-in will be displayed at specific locations of FileBound.

  1. Select how the plug-in can be viewed within the Viewer in the Viewer list.
  2. The Viewer list has the following options:

    • In Browser - This option allows the plug-in to open in a new tab within a browser.
    • In Viewer - This option allows the plug-in to open within the Viewer.
    • Passive Popup - This option allows the plug-in to open in a separate pop-up window that appears on top of the window where the plug-in was activated.
    • Forced Popup - This option allows the plug-in to open within the Viewer. When the viewer loads it automatically opens a pop-up window displaying the plug-in.
  1. Select how the plug-in can be viewed with the Web Viewer from the Web Viewer list.
  2. The Web Viewer list provides the following options:

  • Popup - This option allows the plug-in to open in a separate pop-up window that appears on top of the window where the plug-in was activated.
  1. Select how the plug-in is displayed on the File Details page in the File Detail list.

The File Detail list provides the following options:

  • In Browser - This option allows the plug-in to opens in a new tab within a browser.
  • Popup - This option allows the plug-in to open in a separate pop-up window that appears on the top of the window where the plug-in was activated.
  1. You can specify an icon to be displayed for the plug-in button.
  2. Select the icon you want to set for the plug-in from the Button Icon section.

    The selected icon is displayed with the plug-in name.

    The button for the plug-in does not have an icon, if the option button None is selected.

  3. Click the Plug-In Properties tab.
  4. Type the location or path of the plug-in file in the File Path box.
  5. For some specific plug-ins, you may be required to provide authorized user name and password to use the plug-in.
  6. You can specify the users who can access the plug-in.
  7. Select the users who can access the plug-in in the Rights list.

The following users can be selected:

  • All User Access - access to all the FileBound users.
  • Admin Only Access - access to System Administrators and Project Administrators.
  • Group Level Access - access to selected groups.
  • If you have selected group level access, then you are required to select one or more groups from Project Groups.

  1. Specify one or more project groups, if you have set group level access from the Rights list.
  2. Click Assign within the Assigned Groups section.

    The Assign Groups dialog is displayed.

  1. Click Save.
  2. The Plug-in details are saved and the Plug-ins tab is visible in File Details page.

    The Plug-in section is also enabled in the Web Viewer.