Introduction to FileBound

FileBound is a web-based office automation management solution that allows you to secure, manage, and distribute all of your business documents and information assets regardless of the format, or the source of the documents.

The source of information assets can be in the form of physical paper files, archival box storage, computer generated digital files, scanned documents, forms, Extensible Markup Language (XML) data sets, and many other formats. FileBound is designed to accept and combine this disparate content, organize it, store it, distribute it through workflow, and provide secured access to users anywhere, anytime.

FileBound can be outsourced as a hosted On-Demand solution or licensed to operate from your organization's internal Information Technology (IT) infrastructure with an On-Site solution. It can also be dynamically synchronized between an On-Demand solution and an organization's own IT infrastructure to create a backup hot site.

Contact Support

For support inquiries, please open a support ticket in the Upland Community for FileBound. Once created, you can add information to the support ticket via email, or within the My Tickets area of the Community.

If you wish to email FileBound Support directly, please ensure you are using the following email address: Note that tickets submitted via email are set as “Normal” priority by default. That said, the preferred method of opening a ticket is always via the Community.