Configure a list data field

List fields have an additional set of field properties, which are located on the Items tab of the Additional Properties pane.

  1. Enter the display name for a list item in the Display Name box. This is the name that will be displayed for the list item within Intelligent Capture.
  2. Enter a value for the list item in the Value box. This value is stored in the database and is pushed to other systems when exported.
  3. Click Add Item.

    To remove an item from a list, click Delete Item next to the item. Or, click Delete all items at the top of the column to delete all list items.

    List items will display in the drop-down list in the order that they appear on this tab. You can reorder list items by clicking on the handle next to a list item and moving it up or down using a drap-and-drop operation.

Import list items

You can import list items from a .csv file.

  1. Click Import.

  2. Click Choose File.
  3. Locate the .csv file you want to use for the import, then click Open.
  4. Ensure that the right columns have populated for the Display Name and Value.
  5. Select the CSV contains header row check box if the .csv file you are using for the import contains a header row that should be ignored.
  6. Select the Replace existing items check box to overwrite any existing list item values.
  7. Click Import.