Content Status
Content Status allows you to easily track where Content and Initiatives are in their lifecycle. Status can be used as filters on any list or calendar to easily find just the most relevant content.
The different Status definitions are listed below:
Planned means the content asset or initiative will be worked on in the future and the creation process has not yet started. When you create a content asset or initiative, the asset is considered "Planned" in Kapost.
In Progress means the creation process has started. The status will automatically switch from Planned to In Progress when you check off the first task in the workflow. You can also update the status manually.
Complete means the content asset or initiative is complete and the creation process is finished. When all of the tasks are checked off in a workflow, Kapost will automatically ask if you'd like to set the status to complete. You can also update the status manually.
To know more about status, refer to Stages vs Statuses.
Updating Content Status in a Content Asset
The status of an individual content asset is changed from planned to in progress when the first task in the workflow is marked as Complete.
Alternatively, you can do the following to update the status manually.
- On the Home page left navigation bar, click on
- Click on the desired content asset to open it.
- Click on the Status drop-down list to select the correct status of the content asset.
Updating Content Status in Bulk in an Initiative
To change the status of an individual initiative:
- On the Home page left navigation bar, click on
- Click on the desired initiative and go to the Content tab.
- Select the checkboxes of the content for which the content status has to be updated.
- Click Bulk actions > Update Content Status and select the correct status of the Content.
To perform bulk actions in an Initiative, refer to Initiative Catalog Bulk Actions Add Tags, Duplicate, And More.
Updating Content Status in Bulk in Content Catalog
To update the Content Status of content in a content catalog in bulk:
On the Home page left navigation bar, click on
Select the checkboxes of all the content for which you want to update the status.
Tip: You must select only those content assets whose status update is same.
Navigate to More > Update Content Status.
Select the correct status of the content.
Click Save.
To filter by content status, refer to Filtering by Content Status.