
The Flows feature, powered by screen views, allows you to see the general path your users have taken through your app.

Tip: Flows is powered by Flash. Make sure you've got Flash enabled on your browser to get the most out of this feature.

Using the Flows dashboard

To work with the Flows dashboard:

  1. Go to Analytics in the left pane and select Flows.

    Screen Flow overview

    The Screen Flow Overview is an interactive tool that allows you to see the paths users took as they navigated through your app during the selected date range. For more information, see Date range.

  2. For a more detailed view, select any of the pathways.

    Screen Flow pathways

    You can view up to five screens deep.

    Screen Flow pathways depth

    Below the Screen Flow Overview, you'll see the Total Occurrences table, which lists all of the pages and screens in your app as recorded by the Screen feature, including the following information:

    • Screen name
    • Counts - total number of views
    • Percent of users who reached the screen

    Total occurences

    Note: To export data for further analysis, select Export to CSV.

  3. Select a screen name to see the breakdown of where users went from this screen along with the total number of sessions lost here on the screen and a list of preceding screens.

    Screen Flow metrics

  4. Next to the Total Occurrences table, you'll see a list of Exits By Screen table, which lists every screen in your app where a user exited, including the following information:

    • Screen name

    • Counts - total number of users who exited from the screen
    • Percent of exits from the screen

    Exits by screen

    Note: Like the Total Occurrences, you can export this data for further analysis by selecting Export to CSV.

How to use the Flows report

You can use the Flows report to leverage a few different types of data. Consider using it to look for instances where a screen has a large number of sessions that end abruptly. This is a good indication of friction in key flows.

You should also look for loops in common paths. If users have to move between two screens many times, invest in making the process faster.