Audiences are also highly customizable. Some profile and behavioral attributes are tracked by default with the Localytics SDK out of the box. Other attributes can be created and tracked using your own additions to the SDK. For more information, talk to your Development team or Services team.
When building an audience, keep two things in mind:
- Segmenting your users to give them the most possible value from the message
- Keeping the audience large enough that you’re actually getting a return on your investment in the message
Building an audience
To build an audience:
- Go to Marketing in the left pane and select Audiences.
- To create a new audience, select the green
button in the upper-right corner.
Select New Audience and enter a descriptive name so you’ll be able to access your audience from different parts of the product (for example, messages) by its name.
- Build your audience using behavioral conditions or profile conditions or both.
When you have finished building your audience, select Calculate the number of users in this audience to calculate the estimated size of the audience.
Keep in mind, this is just an estimate and it might not fully align with the total number of users who end up receiving your message. For more information, see Why is the estimated audience size different than the number of messages sent?
- When you are done, select Save.
Adding behavioral conditions
To add a behavioral condition to your audience:
- Select + Add Behavioral Condition.
- In the Behavior field, select on each individual device or across a person’s devices (so you don’t have to worry about double messaging a user who’s logged in on both their iPad and iPhone).
Select the time frame for the behavior:
- Select last 180, last 90, last 60, last 30, or last 7 days from the drop-down list.
- Select last and fill in a number of days.
- Select static range and select a from date and to date from the calendar.
From the People who drop-down list, select a behavior that users need to perform (or not perform) in order to qualify for the audience:
- Performed event
- Did not perform event
- Had a session
Did not have a session
If you selected performed event or did not perform event, select a custom event from the (choose event) drop-down list.
Custom events
Work with your Development team to build out custom events that will appear in this list for your app. If your SDK is installed properly, the following default custom events will be available in the drop-down list:
Localytics Inbox Message Viewed
Localytics In-App Displayed
Localytics Place Entered
Localytics Place Visited
Localytics Places Push Opened
Localytics Push Opened
Localytics Push Received
Localytics Push Registered
Localytics Push Sent
Localytics Re-engagement
Localytics Uninstalled
If you selected performed event or had a session, specify the parameters for the number of times the event or session occurred.
If you selected did not perform event or did not have a session specify the parameters for the number of days the event or session did not occur.
- To further refine the behavior condition, you have the option of adding up to five dimensions from the Where drop-down list:
- To add a dimension, select Add Filter +.
To remove a dimension, select — (minus) at the end of the row.
Here’s a quick example of a behavioral condition:
- Behavior: Across a person’s devices during the last 30 days
- People who: Did not perform event Localytics Push Opened
- In the past: 30 days (but were active in the earlier range)
- Where: Push Enabled is one of Enabled
- To further refine (or further open up) your audience, you can add a second behavioral condition.
To specify how the two behaviors interact with each other, select AND, OR, or AND THEN.
Modifier Meaning AND User must fulfill both of these behaviors OR User can fulfill either of these behaviors AND THEN
User must fulfill both behaviors sequentially
When you’re satisfied with your behavioral conditions, you can consider your audience definition complete, or you can continue on to add profile conditions.
Adding profile conditions
A profile is a user-level record. You can attach different properties (known as profile attributes) like gender or last website visit. Profile attributes can be dates, text fields, numeric values, or a non-ordered collection called a set.
Use profiles to select a group of users with a shared set of characteristics, or attributes. When building an audience, you can select up to five profile attributes.
Note: It’s important to note that profiles are memory-less, so they can contain only the user’s current state, with no associated history.
To add a profile condition to your audience:
- Select + Add Profile Condition. Profiles are available across devices only.
Select a custom profile attribute from the People where drop-down list.
Custom profile attributes
If your SDK is installed properly, the following custom profile attributes will be available in the drop-down list:
Scope Profile Attribute Description App/Org User type Localytics detects whether a profile is known or anonymous. App/Org Last session date Localytics detects the last observed session per profile. App Last CustomDimensionName
For each custom dimension tracked by your app, Localytics will preserve the last observed value per profile. App Last app version For the last logged session per profile, Localytics captures the app version. If a user updates the app subsequently without recording a session, this attribute may not reflect the current app version. App Last OS Version Localytics detects the last OS version being used by a profile. App Total sessions Localytics computes the total number of observed sessions per profile. App First session date Localytics detects the first observed session per profile.
App Push enabled For the last observed session per profile, Localytics detects whether push messaging was enabled or disabled. If a user updates this subsequently without recording a session, this attribute may not reflect the current status.
App Last push opened date For the last push opened, Localytics detects the date the profile opened it. App Last in-app displayed date For the last in-app displayed, Localytics detects the date the profile opened it.
Org Last Country Localytics detects the last country a profile was in. Org Last time zone Localytics detects the last time zone a Profile was in. Org Last city Localytics detects the last city a profile was in. Org Language Localytics detects the last language a profile was using. You can also create as many custom profile attributes as you’d like. For more information, see custom profile attributes.
Depending on the type of attribute (numeric value, text field, etc), select an operator and a value to further define the attribute.
To further refine the profile condition, you have the option of adding up to five dimensions:
- To add a dimension, select Add Filter +.
- To remove a dimension, select — (minus) at the end of the row.
To specify how the profile attributes interact with each other, select AND or OR to toggle the setting for all added dimensions.
Modifier Meaning AND User must fulfill both of these behaviors OR User can fulfill either of these behaviors Here’s a quick example of a profile condition:
People where Last Push Opened is on or before 14 days ago
- Language is one of English
People where Last Push Opened is on or before 14 days ago