Authenticate/Login to Server

Submits an authentication request (using credentials) to the Connect server and if successful provides access to the various other REST API services available.

Request takes no content, but requires an additional Authorization header which contains a base64 encoded set of credentials (username and password). On success, the response will return an authorization token which can then be used as an additional auth_token header in any future requests made to the REST API services.

If server security settings are enabled and a request is made to any resource of any service in the REST API, if that request contains neither an auth_token header or an Authorization header, then the response will come back as Unauthorized and will contain an additional WWW-Authenticate response header.


Method Type:




Content Type:

Add. Headers:

Authorization – Basic Authentication (Username and Password) credentials (Base64 encoded)



The following lists status codes indicative of a successful response:

Status Code Content Content-Type Add. Headers Description
Authorization Token text/plain Token-Expires-In - The number of seconds the token is valid Server authentication successful, new authorization token generated.


The following lists status codes indicative of a failed or error response:

Status Code Content Content-Type Add. Headers Description

401 Unauthorized

JSON Error specifying error message


WWW-Authenticate – BASIC (Basic Authentication credentials are accepted)

Server authentication has failed.

Response when either:

  • no basic authentication credentials have been specified in the request headers

  • the basic authentication credentials specified in the request headers are invalid.