Caution: This feature is not available in OL Connect CEF Beta 1. It will be implemented in a later version.
This function of the context
object (see context) returns a result set, containing the HTML elements in all sections of the Print context that match the supplied
CSS selector.
The new result set is of the type QueryResults
, just like the results
object which is also the result of a (hidden) query (see results), but it is read-only.
This function can only be called in a Post Pagination Script (see Post Pagination Scripts). It is indispensable in a script that creates a table of contents, as described in the following topic: Creating a Table Of Contents.
A String containing a CSS selector. See MDN Web Docs - CSS Selectors and combinators for CSS selectors and combinations of CSS selectors.
This script returns all level 1 headings in all sections of the Print context.
var headings = merge.context.query("h1");