Package dialog

Caution: This feature is not available in OL Connect CEF Beta 1. It will be implemented in a later version.

The Package dialog saves templates, data mapping configurations and Print Presets as a package file. Package files can be sent to other Connect Designer users.

  • Configurations: Initially this list contains the Connect files that are currently open.

    • Browse: This button opens the Select Files dialog that lets you add one or more templates (*.OL-template) data mapping configurations (*.OL-datamapper) and Print Presets (*.OL-jobpreset, *.OL-outputpreset) to the list.

    • Delete: Deletes the selected file from the list of configurations.

  • Package...: This button opens the Save dialog. All selected Connect files will be saved to one package file. You can use the topmost checkbox to select all of the listed files at once.

  • Cancel: Click this button to close the dialog without creating a package file.