Environment considerations

Remote Desktop Support

Tests have demonstrated that OL Connect can be used through Remote Desktop. It is however possible that certain combination of OS could cause issues. If problems are encountered, please contact OL Support and we will investigate.

OL Connect 1.3 and later have been certified under Remote Desktop.

Antivirus Considerations

  • Antivirus software may slow down processing or cause issues if they are scanning in temporary folders or those used by OL Connect. Please see Antivirus Exclusions for more information.

  • Antivirus software might interfere with installation scripts, notably a VBS script to install fonts. McAfee, in particular, should be disabled temporarily during installation in order for MICR fonts to install and the installation to complete successfully.

Windows Search Indexing Service

Tests have concluded that the Windows Search service, used to provide indexing for Windows Search, can interfere with Connect when installing on a virtual machine. If the installation hangs during the last steps, it is necessary to completely disable this service during installation.

  • Click on Start, Run.

  • Type in services.msc and click OK.

  • Locate the Windows Search service and double-click on it.

  • Change the Startup Type to Disable, and click Stop to stop the service.

  • Try the installation again.

  • Once complete, you may re-enable the service and start it.

Commandline switches and .ini entries

OL Connect is intended to work stably and reliably, based on Java and the Eclipse framework. To ensure this reliability and robustness, many Java and Eclipse parameters have been tested and tuned, which is reflected in the respective .ini entries and the used command line switches. A collection of valuable settings has been elaborated and found its entry in OL Connect “good switches list” (called the “whitelist”).

The protection of the end user’s system is one of our main goals and therefore we have implemented a very strict verification mechanism, which ensures, that only these whitelisted ini entries and command-line switches are accepted, when one of Connect components is started and run. Please be therefore advised, that any non-whitelisted ini entry or command-line switch will be accepted and will - if tried to be used - lead to the respective application’s “sudden death”. If you should encounter such a behavior then please double-check your Connect log file/s for respective entries.