
The formatter is a global object that allows you to format values in a script.

The Helper Wizard and the Text Script Wizard also allow you to format variable data; see Using the Helper Wizard, Using the Text Script Wizard and Formatting variable data.

Note: The TextFormatter object is now deprecated and will eventually be removed.


Function Description
  • currency()
  • currencyNoSymbol()
  • grouped()
  • integer()
  • integerUngrouped()
  • number()
  • numberUngrouped()

The currency(), grouped(), integer() and number() functions allow you to format a number, possibly with a custom pattern. See Number functions.

  • date()
  • dateLong()
  • dateMedium()
  • dateShort()
  • dateTime()
  • dateTimeLong()
  • dateTimeMedium()
  • dateTimeShort()
  • timeLong()
  • timeMedium()
  • timeShort()

The date(), dateTime() and time() functions allow you to format a date and/or time in different ways. See Date, date/time and time functions.

  • lowerCase()
  • upperCase()
  • properCase()

The text formatting functions are used on Strings. lowerCase() transforms all characters to lowercase, upperCase() transforms all characters to uppercase and properCase() transforms the first character of each word to uppercase and all other characters to lowercase.