Attributes pane

The Attributes pane displays all of the properties of the currently selected object in the Workspace. These properties vary greatly depending on the object that has been selected.


These attributes are common to all elements in the template and will always appear.

  • ID: A unique identifier for the selected element. Used for CSS selections (see Styling templates with CSS files) as well as scripts (see Writing your own scripts) affecting single elements.

  • Class: One or more classes that can be common to more than one elements. Used for CSS selections and scripts that can affect multiple elements.

Note: Do not give an element the ID 'pages' or the class name 'dynamic'. These are reserved words. Using them as an ID or class name leads to undesirable effects.


These attributes are available depending on the item selected.

  • Allow Resizing: Allows columns in a table to be resized directly within the Workspace in Design mode.

  • Alternate text: The "Alt" text used when hovering over the image in a browser. Also used for accessibility.

  • Cellspacing: Defines the cellspacing attribute of the table which controls the spacing between cells in the table.

  • Cellpadding: Defines the cellpadding attribute of the table which controls the padding inside each cell of the table.

  • Source: The location of the image file. For image resources in the template, the image path is often images/<imagefile>.<extension>
    When the source is a PDF, an addition button appears next to this box that opens the Select Image dialog.

  • Sum: Adds a running total (i.e. a subtotal) to a cell in a Dynamic Table. See Adding subtotals.

  • Target: The target of a Hyperlink element. See Hyperlink and mailto link and MDN Web Docs - Anchor element.

  • Type (form input element): Use the drop-down to select an input type. The drop-down lists all input types, including HTML5 input types (see MDN Web Docs - HTML Forms).

  • URL: The URL of a Hyperlink element. See Hyperlink and mailto link.

  • Whitespace element: Check to make the element a whitespace element, meaning it will only appear on the page if there is enough space for it. This is useful for templates with variable height elements or conditional elements, to fill empty spaces with transpromotional material. Note that only top-level elements (i.e. not inside another element such as a table or div) will function as whitespace elements.


These attributes are available for certain elements that have position or size attributes such as images and boxes.

  • Top: The horizontal distance from the top-left of the object to the left position of its parent. This is used only for relative and absolute positioned elements.

  • Left: The vertical distance from the top-left of the object to the top position of its parent.

  • Width: The width of the element, by default in pixels. For an image, this defaults to the original image width in pixels.

  • Height: The height of the element, by default in pixels. For an image, this defaults to the original image height in pixels.

  • The Reset Image Size button resets the selected image to its original size.

Note: When no unit is added to a geometry value, the default unit will be added to the value; see Print preferences.


These attributes appear when selecting the Page node in the Outline Pane.

  • Master Page: Which of the Master Pages to use for the template.