Dynamic Tray Mapping Editor Dialog

The Dynamic Tray Mapping Editor dialog allows you prepare a Rule for the associated Media/Tray group in the Dynamic PPD Options page and for the Mapped PPD Entries group in the PPML Options page of the Printer Wizard.

The Dynamic Tray Mapping Editor dialog can be broken up as follows:

  • Rule name edit box: This displays the previously assigned Rule name, or the default Rule name, which is Media/Trayn, where n is a numeric sequence, starting at 1 for the first rule, and incrementing for any subsequent rule(s).
    The Rule name can be changed in this edit box, if desired.

  • Properties group: This section contains all the properties that can be set for the Media/Trays selection.
    The properties are optional, but for the Size and associated Height and Width properties. The exception is the "<<Not Set>>" Size selection. If this is chosen, then the Size, Height, Width and Orientation values are all ignored.
    The properties include:

    • Name edit box: Here you can assign a secondary name to the Rule. Any name entered here will be appended within brackets to the greater Rule name.
      For example, if you have a Rule name of "Default" and you entered "A4" here, then the name would appear as "Default (A4)" in the Dynamic PPD Options page of the Printer Wizard.

    • Color drop down list box: Used for selecting the color of the stationery that should be present in the tray.

    • Type drop down list box: Chose the stationery type from the selection of industry standard options available in the drop down box, or choose Unspecified to leave undefined.

    • Weight edit box: Add the stationery paper weight, if desired. The weight in grams, and must be entered as a number.

    • Size drop down list box: Select the paper size here. Either select from one of the industry standard stationery size options, or chose Custom to manually set the stationery dimensions as desired.

    • Width and Height edit boxes. These display the dimensions if an industry standard paper Size were selected, and do not allow modification. These boxes will only allow editing if a Custom paper Size were chosen.

    • Orientation selection: Choose between Portrait or Landscape.
      Selecting Landscape will reverse the current Height and Width values and convert the paper Size to Custom.

    • Optimize Media Calls check box: Select if consecutive records are likely to use the same output media settings. This setting allows those consecutive records to share media details rather than recreating them for each page, reducing print output size and improving throughput.