Installation Wizard
Updating from Connect versions predating 2019.1
In order to update OL Connect to 2024.2 from Connect versions prior to 2019.1 it is first necessary to update the Connect License.For details on how to upgrade the Connect License see Users of OL Connect prior to 2019.1
Starting the OL Connect installer
The OL Connect installer is supplied as an executable file.
Double click on the executable file and after a short pause the Setup Wizard will appear to guide through the installation steps.
Note: OL Connect requires prior installation of Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.
For a full list of other prerequisites, see Installation prerequisites.
Note: It is recommended to install and use OL Connect Designer under the same user account. If you install and run OL Connect Designer under different user accounts (for example, install as User1 and run Designer as User2), account permission issues may occur.
Running the Installation with extra logging
The installer can be run with enhanced logging options, if needed.
To do so, run the OL_Connect_<<Edition>>_2023.2.n.nnnnn_bnnnn.exe (replace <<Edition>> with either Enterprise, Professional or Desktop) from the command line with one of the following command line options:
OL_Connect_<<Edition>>_2023.2.n.nnnnn_bnnnn.exe --verbose
This adds extra debugging style logging to the installation process.
OLConnect_<<Edition>>_2023.2.n.nnnnn_bnnnn.exe --trace
This adds full trace style logging to the installation process. The log file this produces will be very large, as this option logs everything.
Prerequisites Installation
The installer will check for prerequisite technologies as the first step in the installation process. If this check finds some technologies are missing, it will install those technologies, before continuing with the installation.
Welcome screen
After any prerequisites are installed, the installer Welcome screen appears.
Click Next to continue with the installation.
If the installation is an upgrade over a pre-existing OL Connect installation, the installer will first uninstall the earlier version.
If you would like to retain the usage information from that pre-existing OL Connect installation, do not select the Remove User data checkbox option.
For information about exactly what data would be saved or deleted, please see Pre-existing User Data.
Switching to a different edition
When switching to a different edition, for example from the Professional to the Enterprise edition, the installer may indicate that the edition to be installed is not the same as the one for which the license is valid. In that case, the license file must first be removed from the following folder:
C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\OL Connect\licenses
License Agreement
The next page displays the End User License Agreement (EULA), which needs to be read and accepted before clicking Next.
Component Selection
After clicking the Next button, the Component Selection page appears, in which the different components of OL Connect can be selected for installation.
The options are:
Base: The installation files required for any OL Connect installation. This component is not optional.
Designer: The Designer module (see The Designer) can be installed standalone (with no other installed modules) on as many machines as you like. It does not require a license to run as a standalone designer tool . This allows any number of people to use the Designer for creating jobs, but without production capabilities such as automation and commingling. The Designer module is optional, but it is recommended that it always be installed.
MariaDB Server: A supplied MariaDB database used by OL Connect.
The database is used for referencing temporary Connect files and for sorting temporarily extracted data, and similar.
Note: When performing an upgrade installation, if the MariaDB version has not significantly changed, then no attempt will be made to upgrade the database content.
If there is a significant MariaDB version change, the database content will be upgraded, so that it will continue to work with the new MariaDB version.A pre-existing MariaDB, MySQL or Microsoft SQL server (referred to as an external database, in this documentation) could be used instead, for the same purposes. The external database could reside on the same computer or on a separate server.
If you wish to make use of an external database, please make sure the MariaDB option is not selected.Caution: If you chose not to install the supplied MariaDB database, and instead opt for using a pre-existing (External) database then you yourself must ensure that the External database is accessible to Connect.
Upland Software, Inc. will take no responsibility for setting up database connections to any but the supplied MariaDB database.
See Database Considerations for more information about setting up external databases. -
Destination folder: This is the location where Connect components are to be installed.
Use the Browse button to navigate to a folder other than the default, if required.Note: The installation path cannot contain any non ASCII characters (such as Asian language Unicode characters). Nor can it contain characters that Windows disallows in filenames (such as '?', '>' or trailing spaces).
If an invalid character is entered, the Installation Path entry box will turn red and a description of the error will be displayed in the information area.
The installer calculates how much disk space is required for installing the selected components, along with how much space is available.
Total Required Space : Displays the amount of disk space required for the selected components.
Space Remaining: Displays the amount of space available after installation on the drive currently in the Installation Path.
Database Configuration
The Default Database Configuration page appears if the supplied MariaDB module was selected for installation in the Product Selection screen. It defines the administrative root password for the MariaDB server as well as which port it uses for communication.
The installer will automatically configure the Connect Server to use the supplied password and port.
Port: The port on which MariaDB will expect requests to come though, and through which it itself responds.
A check is run to confirm whether the specified TCP\IP Port Number is available on the local machine. If it is already being used by another service (generally, an existing MySQL or MariaDB installation), the number is highlighted in red and a warning message is displayed.Note: The MariaDB database controlled by the OLConnect_MariaDB service communicates through port 3306 by default.
Root password: Enter the password for the 'root', or administration account, for the MariaDB server.
Use theeye icon to toggle between displaying or masking the password entry.
We recommend that the password be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one of each of the following, even though password selection strength is not enforced by the installer:-
a lower case character (a, b, c ... )
an upper case character (A, B, C ...)
a numeric digit (1, 2, 3 ...)
a punctuation character (@, $, ~ ...)
For example: "This1s@K"
Note: When updating from an earlier Connect version, the appropriate MariaDB password must be entered or the update will fail.
If the password is subsequently forgotten, then MariaDB must be uninstalled and its database deleted from disk before attempting to reinstall. -
Allow remote client access checkbox: Click to enable external access to the MariaDB server.
This option is required if MariaDB Server will need to be accessed from any other machine.
It will also be required if the MariaDB database is on a separate machine to this OL Connect installation.
Tip: This option may represent a security risk if the machine is open to the internet.
We heavily recommended that your firewall is set to block access to port 3306 from external requests. -
Username: Enter the MariaDB user name that will be associated with OL Connect.
The default username for new installations is olconnect. -
Password: The password associated with the selected user.
Use theeye icon to toggle between displaying or masking the password entry.
The password is not validated for password strength, so any entry is acceptable.
Ready to install
This page confirms and lists the installation selections made.
If components have been selected which have a shortcut associated with them (Designer) then you will presented with the option to Create desktop shortcuts. Select if you wish for desktop icons to be created.
Click Install to start the installation itself. This process can take several minutes.
Installation Finished
This screen describes a summary of the components that have been installed.
Configure update checks checkbox: This option is enabled by default. It causes the Product Update Manager to run after the installation is complete. This allows configuring OL Connect to regularly check for entitled updates.
Note: this checkbox may not be available in the event that an issue was encountered during the installation.
When ready, click the Finish button to close the installation wizard, and initialize the Product Update Manager, if it was selected.
The Product Update Manager
If the Configure Update Check option has been selected, a message will be displayed after clicking “Finish” in the setup. The message details the information that needs to be sent back to Upland Software, Inc. in order to determine when/if the software needs updating.
Click “Yes” to install or open the Product Update Manager where the frequency with which the updates can be checked and a proxy server (if required) can be specified.
Note: If the Product Update Manager was already installed by another Upland Software, Inc. application, it will be updated to the latest version and will retain the settings previously specified.
Select the desired options and then click OK to query the server and obtain a list of any updates that are available for your software.
Note that the Product Update Manager can also be called from the “Objectif Lune Update Manager” option in the Start menu.
It can be uninstalled via Control Panel | Programs | Programs and Features.
Product Activation
After installation, it is necessary to activate the software. See Activating a License for more information.
Before activating the software, please wait 5 minutes for the database to initialize. If the software is activated and the services rebooted too quickly, the database can become corrupted and require a re-installation.