PlanetPress Document Manager

The PlanetPress Capture Document Manager dialog is used to manage all the documents present in the PlanetPress Capture database that are currently open.

Options and Controls

Documents Lookup Group

  • Filter by: Select what information you want to look for in the documents database.
    • Document ID: Search using the Document ID, a unique and automatic identifier attributed to each document by the Capture Field Generator task.
    • Document Title: Search in document title as specified in the Capture Field Generator task.
    • Production date (YYYY-DD-MM): Search using the date at which the document was generated using the Capture Field Generator task.
    • Pen user (by description): Search using the description field in the Pen Database.
    • Pen user (by serial number): Search using the pen's serial number in the Pen Database.
    • Pattern Sequence: Search using the Pattern Sequence in the Document Database.
    • Template Name: The name of the document, corresponding to the name entered in the PlanetPress Design document properties.
    • Pattern ID: Search using the pattern's identification number. This can be printed on each document next to the Anoto Statement (see PlanetPress Design User Guide).
    • Content Status: Search using the status of the document, whether it is Open, Closed, Complete, Partial or in Error.
  • Operator: Select how to do the comparison
    • Equal: The mask and database information are exactly the same.
    • Not equal: The mask and database information are different.
    • Less than: If the mask and database information are both numbers, the mask will be a smaller number.
    • Greater than: If the mask and database information are both numbers, the mask will be a larger number.
    • Less than or equal to: If the mask and database information are both numbers, the mask will either be smaller or equal to the database information.
    • Greater than or equal to: If the mask and database information are both numbers, the mask will either be larger or equal to the database information.
    • Contains: The mask is contained within the database information, at any location within the information.
    • Does not contain: The mask is not contained within the database information.
  • Mask: Enter the text or number to compare with the database information.
  • Search: Click to start the search.

Manage Documents Group

  • Document list: Displays the results from the search in 3 columns:
    • Document Title: Displays the title of the document as specified in the Capture Field Generator task
    • Production date: Displays the date and time on which the document was added to the Capture Database.
    • More info: A variable column that displays additional information about the search results, such as the Pen ID or Pattern ID.
  • Select all: Click to select all the documents in the list.
  • Select none: Click to deselect all of the documents in the list.
  • View documents: Click to view all the documents along with any ink already present on them. Each PDF is opened, in sequence, in the "PDF Viewer.
  • Close documents: Click to close the document and release the pattern it uses.
  • Caution: This will prevent the document to be further updated, may cause errors when docking any pen that signed the printed version of the document. This cannot be undone.