Shared printer queue properties

The options on a printer queue’s Advanced properties tab are common to all printer queues. They include the printer’s speed and any special pre- or post-job commands required for printer specific reasons. Pre-job commands are added right before the data in the data file, while post-job commands are placed at the end of the data file.

Advanced tab

  • Print speed: Enter the speed, in pages per minute (PPM), of the printer associated with the printer queue. This value is used to determine how to divide jobs when you use the Queue Balancing option for load balancing.

  • Commands: The list of available commands appears in this box. Select either Pre-job commands or Post-job commands in the Selected box, and double-click a command from this list to add it to the appropriate list.

  • Selected: Select either Pre-job commands or Post-job commands to add new commands to the appropriate list and to see those commands that have already selected. Double-click a command to remove it from the selected list.

  • Add: Click to add a new command to the list displayed in the Commands box. You must then edit the new command’s description and value. Note that new commands are shared by all printer queues.

  • Delete: Click to remove a command from the Commands box.

  • Command description: Use this box to edit the description of the command currently selected in the Commands box.

  • Command value: Use this box to edit the code of the command currently selected in the Commands box. Use the right-click menu for a list of standard printer control characters. (See also: Frequently used printer control characters.)

Frequently used printer control characters

Character name:

Character code:

Typical use in printing context:



Indicates the end of a print job



Moves a character space backwards

Horizontal Tab


Adds a horizontal tab

Line Feed


Moves to the next line

Form Feed


Moves to the next page

Carriage Return


Moves to the beginning of the current line

DOS End-Of-File


Indicates the end of a print job in a DOS environment



Adds an escape character

New Line (CRLF)


Goes to a new line