Reordering objects in the Configuration Components pane

There are multiple ways you can reorder objects in the Configuration Components pane. Commands available from the right-click menu let you reorder selected objects, as well as alphabetically reorder objects listed directly under a category or appearing within a group. You can also use the clipboard controls and drag & drop methods described in Moving and copying configuration components to copy and move objects and tasks.

To reorder selected objects in the Configuration Components pane:

  1. Click an object or group.
  2. In the OL Connect Workflow Ribbon, go to the View tab. Then click Order in the Arrange group, and select one of the following:
    • Move up to move the item one step up in the category or group. If the item is already the top object in the category or group, this command has no effect.
    • Move down to move the item one step down in the category or group. If the item is already the bottom object in the category or group, this command has no effect.
    • Move to the top to move the item to the top of the category or group. If the item is already the top object in the category or group, this command has no effect.
    • Move to the bottom to move the item to the bottom of the category or group. If the item is already the bottom object in the category or group, this command has no effect.

To alphabetically reorder objects in the Configuration Components pane:

  • Click either a category (Processes, Global Variables, Connect Resources, PPD/PSM Documents, or Printer Queues) or a group
  • In the OL Connect Workflow Ribbon, go to the View tab.
  • In the Arrange group, select Sort by Name.