Backup existing Workflow version

Backing up a virtual machine

Backing up a virtual machine installation is relatively straight forward. Simply take a snapshot of the virtual machine instance, prior to upgrading. This would save all the localized preferences and configurations.

Backing up a real machine

The following directory will contain the workflow configuration(s), compiled PTK documents and Connect resources, logs, PS fonts, etc:

C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8

The following directory will contain any custom plugins installed by the user:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\Plugins

Note that the installer is designed to keep these folders/files intact. Backing them up is simply a precautionary measure.

Additionally, these are only the folders that are natively managed by the installer. Back up every custom location/resource that may be important for the functionality of your solution.