The Debug Information pane

The Debug Information pane displays the current values of variables and other information useful in debugging processes (see Debugging and error handling). It is divided in 4 sections:

  • Job Information: Displays the Job Info variables, as well as the job's file name, size, last edit date and presence of metadata (see Job Info variables).
  • Local Variables: Displays all the variables local to this process (see Local variables).
  • Global Variables: Displays all the variables global to this configuration (see Local variables).
  • Evaluate Expression: Lets you enter a custom expression and displays its value at run-time.

You can use the Evaluate Expression section to see the result of any combination of variable properties (see Variable task properties). To add a new expression, simply right-click in the window and select Add Expression.

Click in the box on the left to edit the expression and add any variable properties or static text you want, and click outside of the box to save it. Once saved, the Value column displays the expression's result.

The contextual (right-click) menu displays the following items when at least one expression is present:

  • Copy Value (only when right-clicking an existing expression): Places the resulting value of the expression in your clipboard.
  • Revalue all: Refreshes the value of all the expressions.
  • Add Expression: Creates a new expression.
  • Delete Expression (only when right-clicking an existing expression): Remove the selected expression.
  • Clear Expression List: Removes all expressions.

Caution: Deleting an expression or clearing the expression list cannot be undone!