HTTP Server Input plugin preferences 2

The second set of HTTP Server Input plugin preferences is used to enable serving static HTTP resources, as part of an HTTP Server workflow. These resources are referred to within the HTML response file and do not pass through a process to get served so the process is very quick. Static resources are especially useful for additional formatting of HTML files such as JS (JavaScript) scripts, CSS files and images, since they are not dynamic and generally shared between multiple dynamic files.

  • Serve HTTP resource: Check to activate static resource serving.
    • Resource action name: Enter a name that will be simulated as a folder in your HTTP structure. For example, if you enter images in this box, you would refer to any files in this folder as href="images/file.ext" .
    • Resource folder: Type the path of the folder where your resources are located, or click the Browse button and choose the folder in the browse dialog.
  • Note: Subfolders are accepted in the structure, so if your resource folder contains a folder called faces, you could refer to a file in this folder as href="images/faces/johnsmith.jpg".

  • Capture OnTheGo group
    • Authentication Key: Enter the authentication key for the COTG repository. This key can be found in the Settings section of the COTG Web Administration Panel.
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
    • Allowed Origins: Enter an origin (everything in a URL before the path, e.g. The Workflow server will add this value to the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, which signals to the browser that it is allowed to make the request. This enables cross-origin resource requests, such as AJAX requests.
      The default setting "*" is a wildcard that allows all cross-origin resource requests.
  • Form Data Encoding: Specifies how form data, which was sent to the web server, should be interpreted.
  • Even though it is strongly recommended to use the <meta charset="utf-8"/> element in web pages, some might use another encoding or not have the element at all, affecting the character set used by the browser to send the parameters and file names.

    • System language: Sets the encoding attribute in the request XML file to the system codepage (e.g. Windows-1252).
    • UTF-8: Causes all parameters as well as file names from the request to be interpreted as a UTF-8 text stream.
      With this option enabled, POST attachment file names will be randomized on disk to avoid misinterpretation. If the original file name is needed, it can be found in the original attribute of the file tag in the request XML.
    • Note: If form data are submitted from HTML files that are made with the OL Connect software, you can expect them to be UTF-8 encoded.

      Caution: Don't use any non-ASCII characters in Workflow's working directories path (in the V8WorkingDirectory registry key). Combined with the UTF-8 Form Data Encoding setting, this might make it impossible for Workflow to retrieve files from that path, depending on the actual path name and the system locale.