LPR Output preferences

LPR output user options control certain functions of the LPR Client service, which in turn has a direct impact on all LPR output tasks performed by OL Connect Workflow on a given computer.


  • Protocol options group
    • Log all Winsock and network messages: Select to have OL Connect Workflow keep a log of all Winsock and other network messages that occur through the LPR output. These messages are related to jobs being sent from OL Connect Workflow to an LPD or LPD-compatible printer. Logs are kept in a Log folder relative to your install folder. They are named lprdate.log, where date is the current date in yyyymmdd numerical format. Note that changing this option also affects the log displayed in the OL Connect Workflow Service Console.
    • Print banner pages between jobs: Select to print banner pages between each job processed and output from the LPR output. The banner page includes details of the job being printed, including the job file name and the user name on the host computer running the LPR output client.
    • No source port range restriction: Select to remove any restrictions on the port OL Connect Workflow uses to send the job file via the LPR/LPD protocol. Clear to restrict the port used to send the job to one in the range between 721 and 731.
    • Print up to: Select the maximum number of files that can be simultaneously sent to print by the LPR output service.
  • Error handling group
    • Max. retry period: Select the maximum time period, in hours, within which OL Connect Workflow attempts to dispatch the job using the LPR output before giving up. Note that entering a maximum retry period of 0 hours disables retries altogether.
    • Retry interval: Select the interval, in seconds, at which time OL Connect Workflow attempts to dispatch the job using the LPR output. This takes place only within the Max. retry period, after which the attempt ends.
    • Keep a backup when error occurs: Select to move the job file to a local folder relative to your install folder called pplpr\error in the case of an error.
  • LPR settings group
    • Time-out: Set the time in seconds the OL Connect Workflow process waits when it sends jobs using the LPR protocol. The default value for the Time-out property is 7200 seconds (2 hours). On a time-out, partially sent data files are not passed to the rest of the process; the LPR output resets and is ready to send further data files. Log messages include the time-out duration.
    • Polling interval (seconds): Select the period of time—the default is 4 seconds—for which OL Connect Workflow is to wait when it finishes dispatching jobs to the LPR printer queues before polling the LPR output folder again.