Activating or deactivating a process

All processes are Active by default, but you may make any OL Connect Workflow process Inactive as required.

An inactive process will display in the Configuration components as red and strike-through. Inactive processes can be useful for designing new processes in a live configuration. As the process does not execute there is no danger of submitting it to a OL Connect Workflow Service.

To activate or deactivate a process:

  1. Right-click the process in question in the Configuration Components pane
  2. Click Active to disable or enable the process.
  3. Send the configuration. Because making a process active or inactive is a change in the configuration, to make the change effective in the OL Connect Workflow Service, you will have to send the edited configuration to your OL Connect Workflow Service (see Sending a configuration).

Note: If you try to send a configuration that contains only inactive processes, the OL Connect Workflow Configuration program will ask you to confirm the operation (this can be changed in the Notification User Options).