Converting a branch to a subprocess

To allow for maximum flexibility and backward compatibility with the subprocess feature, the Convert to subprocess option lets users transform existing processes easily. This option is available whenever a Branch task is selected; right-clicking on it will display the contextual menu, which holds the Convert to subprocess option.

Selecting this option automatically creates a new subprocess, takes the branch and all of its tasks and inserts it in the new subprocess, including the Branch task itself. In the main process, the branch is removed and replaced with a GoSub action task referring to the newly created subprocess.

Note: The Branch task's options Backup job file, Backup job information and Backup emulation are also automatically passed to the subprocess, which means that, if the subprocess needs to use a different emulation than the calling process, a Change Emulation task is required.

If any task converted into a subprocess was previously using local variables, these variables must be removed or transferred to global variables or Job Information variables to be usable in the newly created subprocess (see About variables).