The Open XSLT action task takes an XML file as input and executes the XSLT code as parameter to rearrange the content of the XML file.

XSLT (or XSL Transformation) is a style sheet that describes how an XML document is to be transformed into another XML document. The reason to transform an XML document into another XML document is simply to rearrange the information it contains in order to make the data structure more convenient for your needs.


A valid XML file.


The XSLT is applied to the XML data file.


The modified XML data file is output. Metadata and Job Info variables are not modified.

  • File
    • Import: Lets you open an existing XSLT script from an XSL, XSLT or TXT file.
    • Export: Lets you save the current XSLT script as a file.
    • Print: Prints the current XSLT script.
  • Edit
    • Undo: Undo the last edit.
    • Cut: Cut the current selection (only available if there is selected text in the editor).
    • Copy: Copy the current selection (only available if there is selected text in the editor).
    • Paste: Paste the last selection that was cut or copied in the location of the cursor in the text editor.
    • Delete: Delete the current selection (only available if there is selected text in the editor).
    • Select All: Select all of the contents of the editor.
  • Search
    • Find: Brings up the Find dialog.
    • Find Again: Repeats the previous search and finds the next occurrence.
    • Replace: Brings up the Replace dialog.
    • Go To Line: Brings up the Go To Line dialog where you can enter a line number and jump directly to that line.
  • XSLT Version
    • XSLT 1.0: Select if you will be entering or pasting XSLT version 1.0 code.
    • XSLT 2.0: Select if you will be entering or pasting XSLT version 2.0 code.
  • Tools
  • Help
    • Contents and Indexes: Opens the Editor Help (this page)

The other options of the window are:

  • The script editor text box: This is where you enter your XSLT Script that will be used. If you use an external script file, this will display the content of the file (note however that modifying the script in this case does not modify the external file and changes are not saved).
  • Script running from: Choose if the script should be run from the editor text box, or from an external script file.
  • Script filename and path: Either enter the full path of the XSLT Script, or click the Browse button to navigate to the file. This option is only available if you choose external script file in the Script running from option.
  • Expand variables: Check this option to make the task parse an XSLT Script that is being loaded from an external file and expand any Workflow-related dynamic values (variables, data selections, etc.).