PReS Print Controls

The PReS Print Controls task is used for running PReS Classic jobs through OL Connect Workflow.

Note: This connector is only available in the Enterprise edition of OL Connect.


In order for PReS Print Control tasks to be functional, some pre-requisites must first be met:

  • PReS Classic 6.3.0 or higher must be installed on the same system.
  • A valid PReS Classic license (either dongle or software based) must be available on the same system.

    Note: All PReS Classic licenses are issued and controlled by the PReS License Server and not OL Connect. Thus a separate PReS Classic license is required.


A PReS Classic job and the resources it needs.

These resources include the data file to run against the job, plus any graphic or font resources the jobs needs, along with any required PReS Classic specific resources, such as TRF or PDI files.


The selected data file is merged with the selected PReS Classic job to create a print output stream.

If the PReS Classic job selected is an uncompiled PReS Classic script (PDS), it will first be compiled on the fly and then run using the selected data file.

If the PReS Classic job selected is a pre-compiled PReS Classic job (PDC) file, then the pre-compiled job will run with the selected data file.


The available output print stream options are AFPDS, GOPReS (Graphic Output), IJPDS, PCL, PDF and PostScript (PS) outputs.

Task properties

General Tab

  • PDC File: Select either an un-compiled PReS Classic script file (PDS) which will need to be compiled on the fly, or a pre-compiled PReS Classic job file (PDC).
    The job needs to be specified exactly. If you want to compile the job at run time, then you must select a PDS file. If you wish to use a pre-compiled PReS Classic job, then select the PDC file, rather than the PDS.
    If a PReS Classic script file (PDS) is selected, Connect Workflow will use PReS Classic to compile the selected file and then run the resultant PDC file, regardless of whether there was an existing PDC file within the folder already. Any existing PDC file in that folder will be overwritten by the new compilation.
    Note that the PDS or PDC file can be explicitly selected, or it could be set via a OL Connect Workflow variable; see Variable task properties.

    Note: The use of pre-compiled PReS Classic jobs is heavily recommended, as this greatly reduces the scope for run-time errors.

  • Data File: The data file to use in the run. This file can be explicitly selected, or it could be set via a OL Connect Workflow variable; see Variable task properties.

    Note: If the Data File selection does not include the data file folder path, then the folder entered into the Working Folder entry will be used for determining the path.

  • Working Folder: Select the folder that contains the PReS Classic job and associated resources.
    This entry can either be explicitly selected or it could be set via OL Connect Workflow variable; see Variable task properties.
    If the PDC File selection contains a full folder path along with the filename, then the Working Folder does not need to be selected, as OL Connect Workflow will use the path contained in the PDC File entry.

    Note: If the PDC File selection contains a folder path and the Working Folder also has an entry, then the PDC File entry will be appended to the Working Folder entry.

    One should be very cautious doing this, as it could easily lead to errors.

  • PDL Type: Select the desired PReS Classic output type for the job.

    Note: Not all PReS Classic jobs can be swapped between output types. Jobs designed for certain output types (such as AFPDS) will likely have settings specific to the original output type.

    Changing the output type at this point will likely lead to errors or require job modifications to suit the changed output type.

  • Log level: Specifies the verboseness of messages returned by job processing. The available levels are Error, Warning, Information and Debug.
    OL Connect Workflow logs a successful PReS Classic job processing with a “Job Status: Finished” status, followed shortly after by “Exec Status: 1”.
    A successful PReS Classic job usually returns a zero value, but non-zero return values do not necessarily signal job failure, as PReS Classic jobs can be set to return specific values as part of job processing.
    If the job still finishes with a Job Status of “Finished” and Exec Status “1” then the job completed without error.
  • Instance: Used for specifying the PReS Classic Print Control instance. PReS allows up to four instances of the same Print Control type (license dependent), and any one of those instances can be selected here.
    Selecting 1 would force OL Connect Workflow to use Print Control PRN1, whilst selecting 2 would launch PRN2, and so on. This is useful if you have a variety of Print Control license speeds, and each license is assigned to a different PRNx instance. This allows for manual load balancing, by selecting specific Print Control speeds for different jobs, based upon your own criteria. Such as the size or urgency of the job being processed.
    The default Auto option lets OL Connect Workflow choose whichever instance is available.

    Note: It is heavily recommended that this setting be left as ‘Auto’, as PReS Classic licenses being assigned to different PRNx instances is extremely rare.

  • Time-out: The time in seconds that the OL Connect Workflow waits for a response from the PReS Classic Print Control to make sure it is running. If OL Connect Workflow does not receive a response in the allotted time it will terminate the Print Control and continue to the next step in the workflow.