Creating a new configuration

To create a new configuration, choose New from the OL Connect Workflow Button.

By default, when you create a new configuration, OL Connect Workflow automatically creates a process that includes a Folder Capture initial input task and a Send to Folder output task by default. You can then edit and save your new configuration.

The default input task and output task depend on your preferences (Default configuration behavior preferences).

If the active configuration file is currently opened, and if it includes unsaved modifications, OL Connect Workflow asks you whether to send the configuration to the Watch service before creating the new configuration. Select the Always send without prompting for confirmation option to automatically send the edited version of the configuration.

If a file that is different from the default configuration file is currently opened, and if it includes unsaved modifications, OL Connect Workflow asks you whether to save the configuration before creating the new configuration. Select the Always save without prompting for confirmation option to automatically save any unsaved work.