ZUGFeRD plugin
The ZUGFeRD plugin provides a way to enrich German PDF invoices with data specific to the invoice. This is done by embedding the data in a standardized XML format within the PDF itself.
For general information on the Plugin, see ZUGFeRD.
A PDF file that is PDF/A compliant. The PDF/A conformity level doesn't matter. It may be 1, 2 or 3.
The plugin first checks that the PDF is PDF/A compliant, and doesn't already contain ZUGFeRD data. If it is, then the PDF is processed.
A PDF/A-3 file with the selected ZUGFeRD data included.
If the incoming PDF is not PDF/A compliant, the plugin will not touch it but will instead forward the untouched PDF as the Job File.
If the incoming PDF already contains ZUGFeRD data, the plugin will not touch it but will instead forward the untouched PDF as the Job File.
The ZUGFeRD data entry options are too large to fit within a single entry tab, so the data entry options have been split over two tabs. ZUGFeRD I is the first of these.
All the entry fields with a maroon field name support the use of variable data. You can right-click within these fields to insert a Workflow data selection. This provides an easy option for including Workflow information that relates to the currently processing invoice (such as Metadata and variables) into the ZUGFeRD fields.
For more information on Workflow context menu data selection options, see this page: Workflow Variable Properties
Zu verwendendes PDF group: Allows selection of the PDF file to process and enrich with the ZUGFeRD-XML information. Select from:
Workflow Jobdatei: Use the incoming Workflow Job File.
Datei: Specify a specific PDF. Use the browse button
to select a file, or paste the file path and name into the edit box.
The file path and name can be given and defined via variables, so the file selection can be dynamic.Note: The PDF selected must already be PDF/A compliant. The conformity level doesn't matter (it may be 1, 2 or 3).
If the incoming PDF is not PDF/A compliant, the plugin will not touch it but will instead forward the untouched PDF as the Job File.
If the incoming PDF already contains ZUGFeRD data, the plugin will not touch it but will instead forward the untouched PDF as the Job File.
Rechnung group contains invoice related information.
Rechnungsnummer: The invoice number.
This field supports alphanumeric strings and can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Dokumentenart: The document type. This field will always be set to "RECHNUNG" (invoice), to cater for BASIC invoices.
Rechnungsdatum: The invoice date.
This entry can be set directly, or through the date selection pop-up that appears when the drop down icon is selected.Note: The date entry must be formatted in standardized UTC format: yyyy-mm-dd
Any other formatting will lead to a run-time error.
Lieferant group contains all the required values and information related to the seller, delivery and/or the invoicing party.
Name: The individual or company name.
This field supports alphanumeric strings and can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Adresse: The postal address (sans post code and city entries). Two address lines can be included in this entry.
This field supports alphanumeric strings and can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Postleitzahl: The postal address post/ZIP code.
Note: No postal code validation is done by the plugin, so it is up to the user to make sure that the postal code entry is valid and in the correct format for the indicated country.
This field can be set via Workflow data and/or variables.
Ort: The postal address city/town.
This field supports alphanumeric strings and can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Ländercode: A 2-letter country code as defined by the industry standard ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
The plugin provides some common predefined country codes in the pull-down list.
Codes other than those provided can be entered either manually or through variables.
However, the country code must always follow the standard of exactly two uppercase letters only.Note: The plugin does not check if a given country code is in the list of valid country codes.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that only valid country codes are entered.This field can be set via Workflow data and/or variables.
Art der Steuernummer: The two letter code for the tax identity number. Select from the drop down list box.
The choices are either "VA" (Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer (UStID)) or "FC" (Steuernummer (national)).
This field can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Steuernummer: The tax identity number. This number must match with the tax type specified in the "Art der Steuernummer" selection.
Note: The plugin does not check if a given tax ID number conforms to any rules. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that only valid tax ID numbers are entered.
This field can be set via Workflow data and/or variables.
Käufer group contains all the required values and information related to the buyer.
Name: The individual or company name.
This field supports alphanumeric strings and can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Adresse: The postal address (sans post code and city entries). Two address lines can be included in this entry.
This field supports alphanumeric strings and can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Postleitzahl: The postal address post/ZIP code.
Note: No postal code validation is done by the plugin, so it is up to the user to make sure that the postal code entry is valid and in the correct format for the indicated country.
This field can be set via Workflow data and/or variables.
Ort: The postal address city/town.
This field supports alphanumeric strings and can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Ländercode: A 2-letter country code as defined by the industry standard ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
The plugin provides some common predefined country codes in the pull-down list.
Codes other than those provided can be entered either manually or through variables.
However, the country code must always follow the standard of exactly two uppercase letters only.Note: The plugin does not check if a given country code is in the list of valid country codes.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that only valid country codes are entered.This field can be set via Workflow data and/or variables.
The ZUGFeRD data entry options are too large to fit within a single entry tab, so the data entry options have been split over two tabs.ZUGFeRD II is the second of these. All the entry fields on the ZUGFeRD II tab support the use of variable data. You can right-click within these fields to insert a Workflow data selection.
For more information on Workflow context menu data selection options, see this page: Workflow Variable Properties
Zahlungsinformationen group contains payment related information.
Zahlungsreferenz: The payment reference, purpose, or payment number serving as identifier for the payment.
This field supports alphanumeric strings and can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Währung: This is a 3-letter currency code, as defined in the ISO 4217 3A standard. The plugin offers some predefined common currency codes in the pull down list box. Other codes can be entered manually or via variables. However, the currency code must follow the ISO standard of exactly three uppercase letters only.
Note: The plugin does not check if a given currency code is in the list of valid currency codes in the mentioned ISO. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure, that only valid currency codes are entered.
This field can be set via Workflow data and/or variables.
IBAN: A bank account number following the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) standard.
The IBAN consists of an alphabetical country code, followed by two check digits, and then up to thirty five characters for the bank account number. The bank account number can include the domestic bank account number, the branch identifier, and potential routing information.Note: The plugin does not validate bank IBAN/BIC codes. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that valid codes are entered.
This field can be set via Workflow data and/or variables.
BIC: This is an international bank code that identifies particular banks worldwide, using the Bank Identifier Code (BIC) standard. The standard consists of a 4-letter institution or bank code, a 2-letter country code (following the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard), a 2-character (letter or digits) location code and an optional 3-character (letter or digits) branch code.
Note: The plugin does not validate bank IBAN/BIC codes. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that valid codes are entered.
This field can be set via Workflow data and/or variables.
Allgemeine steuerliche Informationen group contains taxation related general information.
Steuerart: The trade tax code following the international UNCL 5153 standard.
Generally this is "VAT" (Umsatzsteuer, value added tax).Note: The plugin will accept any string. The user needs to take care to only enter valid tax codes as defined in the UNCL 5153 (see http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d97b/uncl/uncl5153.htm ).
This field can be set via Workflow data and/or variables.
Steuerprozentsatz: The tax rate entry. This is the percentage that applies for the taxation calculation.
This entry should be a numeric currency entry, which can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Basisbetrag: The base amount entry, upon which the tax is calculated.
This entry should be a numeric currency entry, which can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Steuerbetrag: The taxation amount.
This entry should be a numeric currency entry, which can be set via Workflow data and/or variables.
Detaillierte steuerliche Informationen group contains detailed taxation information.
Gesamtbetrag der Positionen: The total amount.
This entry should be a numeric currency entry, which can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Bruttosumme: The grand total amount.
This entry should be a numeric currency entry, which can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Gesamtbetrag der Zuschläge: The charge amount.
This entry should be a numeric currency entry, which can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Steuerbasisbetrag: The basic amount, upon which tax is drawn.
This entry should be a numeric currency entry, which can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Gesamtbetrag der Abschläge: The total amount of discounts and allowances.
This entry should be a numeric currency entry, which can be set via Workflow data and/or variables. -
Steuergesamtbetrag: The total tax amount.
This entry should be a numeric currency entry, which can be set via Workflow data and/or variables.
Bei Fehler/ On Error Tab
For a description of the options on the On Error tab see Using the On Error tab.
Anmerkungen/ Comments Tab
The Comments tab is common to all tasks. It contains a text area (Task comments) that lets you write comments about the task. These comments are saved when the dialog is closed with the OK button, and are displayed in the Task Comments Pane.
Check the option Use as step description to display the text next to the icon of the plugin in the Process area.