Automatic Restart settings

Note: This option is only available in the Enterprise edition of OL Connect.

Note: This option is not available for Enterprise edition Server Extension (Client) installations

It is considered good management to restart the OL Connect Engines periodically. This dialog provides the controls for scheduling OL Connect Engines restarts.

Automatically restart engines to safeguard system availability

  • Time Limit checkbox: This enables engine restarts to be scheduled to occur either after a specified period of time, or within a daily time window.
    This means daily Engine restarts can be scheduled to run outside of production hours.

  • Rolling restart checkbox: This sets the engines restarts to occur in a "rolling" fashion, whereby each engine is stopped and restarted individually, one after the other.
    Each engine is only stopped when the previously restarted engine is once again ready to start processing.

  • Restart method: Chose between restarting after a specified number of minutes (Restart after interval) or within a daily time window (Daily restart in period).

  • Restart after (minutes): Only available if Restart after interval selected.
    Specify the amount of minutes that the restarts are to occur after.

  • Daily restart period begin: Only available if Daily restart in period selected.
    Enter the daily start time for the time window in which automatic restarts will be scheduled to occur.

  • Daily restart period end: Only available if Daily restart in period selected.
    The end of the daily time window in which the automatic restarts are scheduled to occur.

Memory limit

Enter the memory limit for individual Engines. If any of these memory limits are exceeded, an automatic restart of those Engine types will be triggered.

  • Data Mapper Engine (MB): Enter the memory limit for Data Mapper Engine.

  • Merge Engine (MB): Enter the memory limit for Merge Engine.

  • Weaver Engine (MB): Enter the memory limit for Weaver (Output) Engine.